Command line file date

Thanks for visiting Dev-Notes, Len. How about saying thank you and doing some research yourself? This is nice and common knowledge. However, what if you do logging on a device per device base and then send this logging to one fileshare. The formatting is just a mess because different user have different regional settings in a large enterprise.

Thanks C. Peter Chen. I needed to write a cmd for a Windows server that would archive log files with date-time stamps whenever my application is stop-started. Your example above got me started on the right foot. How ya the script look like. Can someone assist me. You can, of course, use any switches you want in the DIR command to refine your selection criteria.

The asterisk at the end puts the entire filename including spaces into the fifth variable. Is it possible to get the date and then use it as an input string in a for loop so that the day can increment. I need a. Solutions above break if locale changes. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to tell the date or time commands what format one wants returned.

It seems dependent on your regional settings for that specific windows installation. I fear you will end up with a protected mode shell running all the time. This would certainly not be my preference.

Your Batch file would essentially be a loop, looking if the date required has been achieved. If the value comparison if true, it would execute possibly a sub: and then return to the start of the loop. Here are 2 solutions: 1. The second line formats datetime in the form I needed for what I used it for.

You can modify this line to format however suits your needs. If you wish to view the modified date only and leave out all the other information, run the following command:. For directories, the syntax remains the same. Simply replace the file name with that of the directory. The date command in its basic syntax displays the current date.

However, when used with the -r option, you can display the last modification date of a file as shown. The ls -l command is usually used for long listing - display additional information about a file such as file ownership and permissions, size and creation date.

To list and display the last modified times, use the lt option as shown. Another way you can check the last modified date is by using the httpie HTTP command-line client tool.


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