He is arguing that he did not receive effective legal representation. Brandler countered by stating Cordaro was acquitted on 15 of the counts against him, that no prejudice was shown against the defendant and his current legal counsel has not presented any new evidence that would change the outcome of the trial. Cordaro was not present for the hearing.
He was allowed to listen to the proceedings via telephone from the Federal Correctional Institution at Fort Dix, New Jersey, where he is serving an year prison sentence. After the hearing, Kelly expressed confidence that Caputo will order a new trial.
Kelly provided the case record of Showers vs. Beard that ordered a new trial. Judge Caputo issued the order in that case. Download PDF. Primary Holding Third Circuit rejects a habeas petition under 28 U. Justia Legal Resources. Find a Lawyer. Law Students. G:4E65 2? F2CJ CC5:? D6 H2D D :?
G:4E65 :? G:4E65 7 E 7 ad 4 F? E 2EE6? F89 E H:? D 2 D:8? E92E 2? H6C6 A6CE:? E E 9:D ? D:4 2? E AC 5F? E2CJ 6G? Cordaro in June. A Lehigh Valley grand jury has been investigating the company since September. Cordaro is under investigation by a grand jury in the Lehigh Valley. One way or another, we'll announce our findings. Hughes acted as the bagman for Cordaro. Cordaro was sent to federal prison Monday to begin serving an year sentence on public corruption charges.
Though his public corruption case is over, federal prosecutors recently opened another investigation into possible witness tampering by Cordaro during the June trial.
McLaine, along with several other key witnesses for the prosecution at the trial of Cordaro and fellow former Lackawanna County Commissioner A. Munchak, was granted immunity by prosecutors in exchange for his testimony against Cordaro.
Munchak, who also was sentenced Monday, will serve a seven-year sentence.