People are having a lot of trouble, even though this is so easy to use. Click on Connect. Fill in a name, email, nick, and alternative nick. The name and email can be anything. Bang the keyboard for the nick, it's guaranteed to work. While still in the options menu, click on Servers under Connect. Goto File, and click on Connect. It might take a second, depending on your connection. A bunch of text will fill the window, but soon after another window will come up asking you to Enter a channel name and click join.
Type in xbins. Another channel window will come up, and telling you a little bit about xbins. Nothing will pop up, but check the top where the channels are, and you will see that a red named channel called xbins has appeared. Goto FTP, and click Connect. A new window will pop up, and depending on your connection, folders will soon appear under the Name part of the FTP window.
Goto XBOX, and there you have it. If you are new, then continue reading. From Operating Systems, goto linux. From linux, goto distributions. From distributions, goto Itools. Save anywhere to your drive, and SmartFTP will add it to the download queue. It will begin downloading. Happy downloading! NOTE: You will need to login to xbins everytime you wish to download. If you download over 30 mbs of items, then a hour ban will be set, depending on how much you went over.
If you need help for anything else about "Accessing and downloading from xbins", feel free to post it in this topic. Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, Slith , Jul 2, Slith , Jul 5, Oct 14, 1, 0 0.
Chrono Diamond Member. Jan 2, 4, 0 I must be an idiot or something I am trying out trillian, I click join channel, typed RNS or exiles, and nothing happens. Does it matter what server I am using? EDIT: I must not be connecting to any of the servers. Check irchelp. They have auto-updating server list for EFnet. Thats kind of wierd that you didnt get any errors though I guess I can't get in there. So much for getting mp3's on IRC. I know there are probably other channels but it is much easier to use morpheus or something like that.
Its just one of the many features. You must log in or register to reply here. Post thread. CPUs and Overclocking. Graphics Cards. This is not intended for new IRC users. Here it is. Related to the previous two help files but written as a FAQ, which some may find easier to read. Read this before you go running to an oper for help. EFnet Oper Guide [ext.