Games like new york nights

Your friends will be instrumental in finding you jobs at local establishments, each of which involves a minigame. If you choose to work as a nightclub cashier, for example, you'll have to perform quick mental math to calculate change. You'll be paid in accordance to how quickly you number-crunch. Although this could be construed as educational, it's actually pretty fun, in an edutainment sort of way. New York Nights' most obvious influence is The Sims, and it could be said that the game feels pretty derivative.

However, the game is unique in that your living space is deemphasized in favor of metropolitan exploration. Many of your stat-increasing actions can be performed at home, but you'll have to venture outside to really advance quickly. You'll also have to hit the town's attractions on dates, which can be scheduled either by you or by your partner. You can increase your relationship rating with your partner through strategic flirting, but dates give you an added status boost. If you get too caught up in the game, however, you'll be urged to cool your jets by working on career advancement for a while.

You'll have to make conversation based on your would-be lover's interests, or you'll risk annoying him or her. New York Nights has a very clean interface, and it involves the use of a single button and the phone's directional pad.

The graphics are extremely reminiscent of the N-Gage versions of The Sims and The Urbz, which could hardly be called a bad thing. In fact, the game's clean, cartoony visual style is one of its best features, and it looks great from the genre's typical isometric perspective.

Practically everything you do results in the playing of a memorable music clip, which is reward in itself. There isn't any real background music, however. As with the Nights series, whether you come across people who like or hate you is something of a lottery, though My Life In New York seems to take that approach to the extreme. Love soup While you can do everything from discussing the day's issues to telling jokes or even sneaking in a snog or two, your ability to connect with people comes down to a number of set elements: quite logically, your self-esteem and confidence can be an issue, but somewhat more bizarrely your health dropping below a certain point can also impact on how people respond to you.

As a concept, that's absolutely fine — there's certainly nothing wrong with focusing on the lighter sides of life. My Life In New York is unashamedly superficial, with characters of either gender happily dismissing you if you happen to lack sex appeal, for instance. The problem is, one duff conversation can have far too much of a bearing over all your other relationships. If you happen to fall out with one person — physical fights, quite amusingly, a possible end result - you'll find it increasingly difficult to connect with anyone else.

Naturally in such a hormone-drenched town one thing leads to another and, should you pick the right topics in your multiple choice conversation, your popularity increases and you can escalate to gossiping, joking, offering gifts, inviting them out on dates and ultimately some serious flirting. Make the wrong choices however e. The process is further complicated by specific missions that must be undertaken by certain times e. Ah yes, pay! As you might expect, nothing in New York is free, every conversation eats up precious time you've only got a month to become the coolest guy or gal in town and you'll need to work as a barista, bar tender or lounge singer all handled by relatively fun mini games to earn cash to pay for your popularising.

In short, there's balancing to be done and choices to be taken in terms of who you spend your time with and what you get up to. Or at least that's what there should be, in reality we managed to complete the game first time round in just over 2 weeks game time, boosting our bank balance, charming our chosen honey Charlotte if it's any of your business!


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