Extract it any any folder, e. Now open command prompt , and navigate to pstools directory , e. After minutes depending on the remote PC hardware speed , snmp service will be installed with the default public string, and will be available to serve any snmp request, example via dude.
You can use the following batch file to create public string on the client pc , right from your desktop. You can change the PUBLIC string to one of your own choice, as public is very common, Also you need to change the IP defined in above batch file script to match your pc from where you want to monitor the clients or where DUDE is installed.
Save this file in any shared folder of your system, a folder that every one can access easily , preferably file server location. OR if you get access denied message, then try passing the admin credentials along with the command. Adding snmp service on Remote Windows XP is a bit tricky and require some manual work to do, Once you manage to get it working, you can then wrap all command in one single file and use this file to install SNMP service via single file by monitoring target pc name only.
Create new file name snmp. Copy the whole CD, which will be required at the time of snmp service installation. Now create a registry file name winpath. Now copy this winpath. Now that the client XP now knows about the windows XP setup CD, its time to hit the road, remote execution of snmp service installation on remote windows XP.
Use the below command to execute the setup. There are many other fine tuned method to perform this action. You can adopt whatever you like. For Windows 7 , We will use two batch file. Double-click Administrative Tools , and then double-click Computer Management.
Step 5 - On the Traps tab, under Community name , type the case-sensitive community name to which this computer will send trap messages, and then click Add to list. Step 6 - In Trap destinations, click Add. Step 8 - Repeat steps 5 through 7 until you have added all the communities and trap destinations you want.
Step 9 - Click OK to apply the changes. Insert the respective CD or specify the complete path of the location at which the files stored and click Continue. Step 1 - Right-click on the Network Neighborhood icon on the Desktop. Step 2 - Click Properties. Step 3 - Click Services. Step 5 - Click the Security tab. Step 6 - If you want to send a trap for failed authentications, select the Send Authentication Trap check box. My text file is exported from AD into csv then copied into.
Why, exactly, do you want to use SNMP on your workstations? I'm guessing there's a particular program that you want to use, but maybe there's a different option? Sorry for the delay. Gys, I must be stupid or something, I've tried the scripts and eachtime I try I just keep getting different errors regarding arguements.
So I am installing per machine, I can't keep beating my head and not getting anywhere. Shell" fso. So all install goes without any file request from the source i I've tried just now and it's working fine for me To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks. Popular Topics in General Windows. Which of the following retains the information it's storing when the system power is turned off?
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