Monte la cubierta de la caja del filtro de 2. Tornillo aire colocando los tornillos. Si encuentra suciedad o agua des- 4. Extraiga el filtro de aire. Introduzca un filtro de aire nuevo en la 8. Compruebe si hay suciedad o agua acumulada en el tubo, en el lado de la caja del filtro de aire.
Para realizar este ajuste el motor debe es- tar caliente. Juego libre del cable del acelerador. NOTA: medir 3. XTX kPa 33 psi 2. No intente realizar ni 1. Perno de ajuste del juego libre de la maneta da. Una rueda deformada o agrietada de embrague debe sustituirse. Una rueda no equilibrada debe medir Ajuste del interuptor de la luz de Si con el procedimiento descrito no consi- freno trasero gue obtener el juego libre especificado de la maneta de embrague, apriete la contratuer- ca y omita el resto del procedimiento.
De lo contrario, proceda del modo siguiente. Interruptor de la luz del freno trasero 2. Tuerca ded ajuste del interruptor de la luz del freno trasero. Si es necesario, ajuste el inte- rruptor de las luces del modo siguiente. Contratuerca Gire la tuerca de ajuste mientras sostiene el 2. Para que la luz de freno se encienda 5.
Espesor del forro Freno trasero Compruebe el estado de las pastillas de fre- no trasero y mida el espesor del forro. Si al- 1. Para comprobar el desgaste de la 1.
Si una pastilla de fre- no se ha desgastado hasta el punto en que las ranuras indicadoras de desgaste han. Elimine siempre inmediatamente presenta alguna fuga. Para evitarlo, manten- 3. Mueva la rueda trasera empujando la sera hacia adelante. Tuerca del eje SAU Para ajustar el juego de la cadena de 2. Afloje la tuerca del eje y luego la con- 3. Contratuerca tratuerca en cada extremo del bascu- 4. Realice el mante- Yamaha. Cada vez que conduzca, debe antes verifi- car el funcionamiento de las manetas de freno y embrague y engrasar los pivotes de las manetas si es necesario.
Para verificar el estado SWA Coloque un soporte debajo del motor suavidad, solicite a un concesionario para levantar del suelo la rueda delan- Yamaha que revise los cojinetes de la rue- tera. Sujete los extremos inferiores de las 6 cesionario Yamaha. Evite en un lugar fresco y seco. El almacenamiento de una bate- sin demora.
Por lo tanto, mantenga 1. Si SAUM Caja de fusibles 1 2. Fusible del sistema de intermitencia 3. Fusible del faro 4. Fusible del encendido 1. Fusible principal 5. Fusible principal de reserva gasolina 6 La caja de fusibles 1 y la caja de fusibles 2 6. Fusible del ventilador del radiador 7. Fusible de la luz de estacionamiento 9.
Caja de fusibles 2 Fusible de reserva. Extraiga el fusible fundido e instale uno nuevo del amperaje especificado. Si el fusible se funde de nuevo inme- SAUM Fusible del sistema de intermiten- 1.
Desconecte el acoplador del faro y Fusible del ventilador del radiador: luego desmonte la tapa de la bombilla 7. Fusible de encendido: SCA 1. Portabombillas del faro 2. Bombilla del faro SWA No tocar la parte de cristal de la bombilla. Las bombillas de los faros se calientan 5. Monte la tapa de la bombilla y conecte 6 mucho. Por lo tanto, mantenga los pro- el acoplador. Tornillo ductos inflamables alejados de un faro 6.
Solicite a un concesionario Yamaha 4. Elimi- 1. Tornillo ne completamente toda suciedad y. Para realizar el mantenimiento de la rue- da delantera 6 1. Estabilice la parte trasera de la moto- cicleta con un soporte para motocicle- tas o, si no dispone de uno adicional, 1. Levante del suelo la rueda delantera 3. Extraiga la bombilla fundida tirando de con un soporte de motocicletas. Introduzca una nueva bombilla en el Para realizar el mantenimiento de la rue- casquillo. Manual Injector-Test.
The informafion contained in this manual is subject to change without nofice. Effort has been made to make the informafion in this manual complete, accurate, and current.
The manufacturer shall not be held responsible for errors or omissions in this manual. Consult EXOwater. Warnings and Notes. This manual distinguishes two sorts of safety instructions. Warnings are used to inform of conditions which can, if proper steps are not taken , lead to a serious fault condition, physical injury and death. Notes are used when the reader is required to pay special attention or when there is additional Lumen: Water resistance: IPX6.
Nome da Cor. Nome do Modelo. The Port B output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with both high sink and source capability. Visualizaciones Visualizaciones totales. Acciones Compartido. No hay notas en la diapositiva. Any reproduction or unauthorized use without the written permission of MBK Industrie is expressly prohibited. It is not possible to include all the knowledge of a mechanic in one manual. There- fore, anyone who uses this book to perform maintenance and repairs on Yamaha vehicles should have a basic understanding of mechanics and the techniques to repair these types of vehicles.
Repair and maintenance work attempted by anyone without this knowledge is likely to render the vehicle unsafe and unfit for use. Yamaha is continually striving to improve all its models. Modifications and significant changes in specifications or procedures will be forwarded to all authorized Yamaha dealers and will appear in future editions of this manual where applicable.
Failure to follow WARNING instructions could result in severe injury or death to the motorcycle operator, a bystander or a person checking or repairing the motorcycle. A NOTE provides key information to make procedures easier or clearer.
Comprehensive explanations of all installation, removal, disassembly, assembly, repair and check procedures are laid out with the individual steps in sequential order. An abbreviation and symbol in the upper right corner of each page indicate the current chapter. A circled number indicates a disassembly step. Symbols 1 to 9 indicate the subject of each chapter. This information will be needed to order spare parts. In a conventional carburetor system, the air-fuel ratio of the mixture that is supplied to the combustion chamber is created by the volume of the intake air and the fuel that is metered by the jet used in the respective chamber.
Despite the same volume of intake air, the fuel volume requirement varies with the engine operating conditions, such as acceleration, deceleration, or operation under a heavy load. Carburetors that meter the fuel through the use of jets have been provided with various auxiliary devices, so that an optimum air-fuel ratio can be achieved to accommodate the constant changes in the operating con- ditions of the engine.
As the requirements for engines to deliver more performance and cleaner exhaust gases increase, it becomes necessary to control the air-fuel ratio in a more precise and finely tuned manner.
To accommodate this need, this model has adopted an electronically controlled fuel injection FI sys- tem in place of a conventional carburetor system. This system can achieve an optimum air-fuel ratio required by the engine at all times by using a microprocessor that regulates the fuel injection volume according to the engine operating conditions detected by various sensors. Adoption of the FI system has resulted in a highly precise fuel supply, improved engine response, better fuel economy, and reduced exhaust emissions.
Furthermore, the air induction system AI sys- tem has been placed under computer control together with the FI system in order to realize cleaner exhaust gases. The pressure regulator maintains the fuel pressure that is applied to the injector at kPa 3.
Accordingly, when the energizing signal from the ECU energizes the injector, the fuel passage opens, causing the fuel to be injected into the intake manifold only during the time the passage remains open. Therefore, the longer the length of time the injector is energized injection duration , the greater the volume of fuel that is supplied.
Conversely, the shorter the length of time the injector is energized injection duration , the lesser the volume of fuel that is supplied. The injection duration and the injection timing are controlled by the ECU.
Signals that are input from the throttle position sensor, crankshaft position sensor, intake air pressure sensor, intake air tem- perature sensor, and coolant temperature sensor enable the ECU to determine the injection dura- tion. The injection timing is determined through the signal from the crankshaft position sensor. As a result, the volume of fuel that is required by the engine can be supplied at all times in accordance with the driving conditions.
Before removal and disassembly, remove all dirt, mud, dust and foreign material. Use only the proper tools and cleaning equipment. When disassembling, always keep mated parts together. Mated parts must always be reused or replaced as an assembly. During disassembly, clean all of the parts and place them in trays in the order of dis- assembly. This will speed up assembly and allow for the correct installation of all parts.
Keep all parts away from any source of fire. Use oil and grease recom- mended by Yamaha for all lubrication jobs. Other brands may be similar in function and appearance, but inferior in quality. When overhauling the engine, replace all gaskets, seals and O-rings. All gasket sur- faces, oil seal lips and O-rings must be cleaned. During reassembly, properly oil all mating parts and bearings and lubricate the oil seal lips with grease. Click here to download your XT XS owners manual.
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