The watch is not wearable since it might have suffered water damage through sweat, making the band weaker. For this issue, it is hard to replace the front band due to the connected charging cable that runs within the band itself. To fix this problem, it is best to glue the broken parts together using water resistant glue and lay it out to dry for at least an hour. The watch may need to be reset if the screen freezes on a certain function. To soft reset the watch, hold the "UP" button and select this option on your watch.
Note: this does not reset the time and date completely. If that fails to work, further action may need to be taken by plugging the watch into any computer with a USB outlet. If that also fails, take the watch back off. This will disconnect the battery, which will hard reset the watch. The GPS may not be updated with the latest software, therefore, the watch may need to be updated.
Download Nike's official program and download the firmware updates with their program. Download here. The battery may be burnt out and may require a new battery. To solve this problem, replace the battery with a new one that you can purchase off of Nike's website, using the battery replacement guide that can be found here.
After this, plug it in to recharge the new battery. The main board has suffered damage and is not operating. Since it is attached to the front watch band, it is not easily replaceable. You may have to factory reset the watch. This is possible by using a program provided by Nike. This can be found by following this link: Download here.
Try to stand still in the same location, away from buildings or highly wooded areas, which can affect the GPS signal since it is obstructed by objects. Resetting of the watch may be necessary to fix this glitch. If the GPS is still acting up and not picking up a signal, you may have to replace the unit.
Screen is not clear. It's not dirty or foggy or broken. It's just an "ashy" color. This watch is less than a year old. It's only been used for about 6 times. What gives already? When I try and download watch I keep getting this. My watch data is full and I want to us it this weekend for London Marathon. On the left side of the SportWatch, there are three buttons: two to scroll through various functions and one on the bottom that acts as a select and menu button.
Ready, set, run! When you're ready to go for a run, just press and hold the yellow bottom button and select the run option. You don't even have to use it at all, but it's a good backup in case the watch loses the GPS signal, as it continues to track your distance, pace, and calories. We placed it under the removable padding in our sneakers.
Once the sensors are linked, you're free to run like the wind. Once you're running, your distance is prominently displayed on the screen, while you can use the scroll buttons to get other various data, including pace, elapsed time, and calories burned, on the upper third of the display.
You can program the watch to mark laps based on distance or time, or you can simply tap the screen while you're out running. When you're done, just press the bottom button again to end your workout. The SportWatch will even give you a little pat on the back by displaying encouraging messages like "Great job!
Post-run At home, you can upload your workout data to your PC or Mac. Nike cleverly incorporated a USB connector into the wrist strap that you can flip out, plug into the included USB cable, and so connect to your computer. The Web site also offers options for creating goals and challenges, custom training programs, and a social component, whether it's posting your run data on Facebook or Twitter or connecting with other runners. Setting up and using the watch right out of the box is quick and easy, but if there's one thing we'd change we'd like to be able to actually set the time right on the watch.
Right now, you need to connect it to your computer first. On our first run, the watch couldn't lock onto a GPS signal at all, so we just used the shoe pod to track our distance and pace without route information. We didn't have any subsequent problems getting a signal. When reviewing our run data, however, we noticed that some of the GPS data was off.
For example, we noticed the starting point for one of runs was about seven blocks off from our actual position. We didn't experience GPS inaccuracy all the time, but it did happen more than once. Also, while the SportWatch does a good job of covering the basics, it does lack some of the more advanced features of other GPS watches.
For example, the Garmin Forerunner has a "virtual partner" to challenge you to pick up your pace and offers wireless data transfer.