Rezwanur Rahman endorses scientific meetings and conferences on Urinary Tract Infections, and can be contacted for key note speeches on Urinary Tract Infections and industrial collaborations. The World championsship is organized by International Agency for Standards and Ratings at international level. Universities are in a race to reconstruct their syllabus by adding applications of scientific contribution by World champions- Dr.
Rezwanur Rahman. Under expert guidance of World champions Dr. Rezwanur Rahman, Universities can now contribute better in nation building. Proper supervision by World champions Dr. Rezwanur Rahman will help to allocate public funds and research grants more focused. Universities can contact World champions Dr. The World champions Dr. Rezwanur Rahman can be contacted for execution of programs related to Urinary Tract Infections. Researchers and students can enjoy expert career guidance on latest trends, jobs and career opportunities from World champions Dr.
Rezwanur Rahman World champions now has been a popular leading brand name in Urinary Tract Infections. Rezwanur Rahman World champions influentially decide the future shape and scope in Urinary Tract Infections. Thesis and dissertations on Urinary Tract Infections could now have expert guidance and supervision of Dr.
It will bring advancement in research in Urinary Tract Infections. Reference and text books on Urinary Tract Infections can now have exclusive chapters to orient students to perform application based high quality research as guided by World champions Dr. Rezwanur Rahman on important national and international issues. Nayareen Akhtar. Name: Dr. Father name: Fazlur Rahman Talukder. Mother name: Sayeda Rahena Begum. Educational qualification:.
Ibrahim Medical College. D Nephrology. Working experience:. Lecturer Physiology. Resident Nephrology. Assistant professor Nephrology.
Bangladesh Medical College Hospital. Consultant Nephrologist. Rezwanur Rahman, Nayareen Akhtar. Heart Asia BMJ. American Journal of Medical Sciences and Medicine, vol. Publication in American Journal of Microbiological Research. Antimicrobial sensitivity pattern of Escherichia coli causing urinary tract infection in Bangladeshi patients.
American Journal of Microbiological Research,, vol. Publication in Delta Medical College Journal. Delta Med Col J. Jul ;5 2. Details of Academic contribution:? Details of Best Published Research Articles, if any. Details of Patents, if any. Details of Innovations, if any. Any Other Details:?
Fill Up above application format and Email at plojindexing gmail. Instantly within 24 hours you will receive acknowledgement and rigorous review will be started, shortly you will be informed on outcome with certificate.
Winners of World Championship Winners of World Championship- Students can also submit poster presentation as MS- Power Point slide at plojindexing gmail. Registration can be done at plojindexing gmail. Visit link to archive World Championship. Kavit S. Justin R. Eligibility Guidelines. Honorary D. Honorary LL. Honorary Ph. What are Honorary Degree?
Honorary Degree are awarded for recognizing distinguished contribution by reputed experts in their field. Honorary Degree are superior from academic degree, because they are earned from prestigious contribution, which sets standards for others to follow.
Because of well established contribution of Legends, Honorary Degree do not require the candidate to complete course work, and course duration like in academic degree. Indeed, Honorary Degree is 'honor', the best a candidate can be recognized! This page contains detailed information on how to apply for Honorary Degree and admission procedure.
What are highest post-doctoral degrees? The Honorary Doctor of Science D. D are the highest post-doctoral degrees. Applications are invited for award of Honorary D. Degree in the disciplines of Science, Engineering, Technology and other related areas. Eligibility for Honorary D.
A candidate who is awarded Honorary Doctor of Philosophy Ph. Done Doctoral work in Science, Engineering, Technology and other related areas and have published 2 research papers in journals.
Post Ph. How to apply for Honorary D. A candidate seeking to submit his candidacy for Honorary D. Application Form for Honorary D. Name of Program: Honorary D. After scrutiny and evaluation of submitted Application F orm for the candidacy of Honorary D. Once the Application is approved, the candidate will be allowed to register for Honorary D.
Honorary Doctor of Letters D. A candidate who is awarded Doctor of Philosophy Ph. Done post-doctoral work in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design, Creative Arts and other related areas and has published 2 research papers in journals. Applications are invited for Honorary Ph. D from eminent persons, who have made significant contribution. Eligibility for Honorary Ph. Minimum 2 years post Masters Degree experience or has published 3 research papers in journals.
How to apply for Honorary Ph. A candidate seeking to submit his candidacy for Honorary Ph. D shall apply to Admission Department along with the following documents and requirements online at email plojindexing gmail. Application Form for Honorary Ph. Name of Program: Honorary Ph. After scrutiny and evaluation of submitted Application F orm for the candidacy of Honorary Ph. D Once the Application is approved, the candidate will be allowed to register for Honorary Ph.
D by payment of registration fee. D; Doctor of Laws in English is highest recognition for meritorious research scholars. Eligibility for Honorary LL. Minimum 2 years post Ph. How to apply for Honorary LL. A candidate seeking to submit his candidacy for Honorary LL. Application Form for Honorary LL. Name of Program: Honorary LL. Once the Application is approved, the candidate will be allowed to register for Honorary LL. Application for Admission.
Name of Program:? After scrutiny and evaluation of submitted proposal for the candidacy of Honorary D. D Once the proposal is approved, the candidate will be allowed to register for Honorary D.
Admission Department. Division for Certification and Accreditation. World Champions Dr. Contact "World Championship" at. World Championship. Search this site. About World Championship. Academic Programs. Accounting Research World Championship. Advisory Board. African Agriculture Research Award Winners. African Dairy Research Institute. African Fruit Research Institute.
African Fuel Research Institute. African Fungi Research Institute. African Oil Research Institute. African Political Science Research Institute. African Prokaryotic Research Institute. African Public Administration Research Institute. African Social Science Institute. Agriculture - World Championship. Agriculture and Food. Agriculture and Technology. Agriculture Department. Agriculture Journal. Agriculture News.
Agrochemicals Pesticides and Fertilizers. Algae Research Institute. Alzheimer's Disease World Championship. American Agriculture Research Award Winners. American Dairy Research Institute. American Fungi Research Institute. American Oil Research Institute. American Political Science Research Institute. American Public Administration Research Institute.
American Social Science Institute. Anatomy Apply for World Championship. Animal Husbandry. Antibiotic Resistance. Apply for World Championship in Physics. Apply for World Championship in Public Health. Archaeology World Championship. Asian Agriculture Research Award Winners. Asian Dairy Research Institute. Asian Fruit Research Institute. Asian Fuel Research Institute.
Asian Oil Research Institute. Asian Political Science Research Institute. Asian Prokaryotic Research Institute. Australian Dairy Research Institute. Australian Oil Research Institute. Australian Political Science Research Institute. Australian Prokaryotic Research Institute. Australian Public Administration Research Institute.
Bio Nanotechnology Nanotoxicity - World Championship. Biochemical Engineering - World Championship. Biodiversity Loss. Bioprocess Engineering World Championship. Brain Sciences Winners from World Championship.
Campionato Mondiale. Cereals Grains Legumes. Championnat du monde. China Wins World Championship Dr. Computational Mathematics World Championship. Conflict Resolution World Championship. In other words, Biden knows that the CDC is acting illegally but wants the agency to continue to act illegally until the courts can get around to stopping it. Litigation takes time, which means the moratorium could be in effect for weeks, maybe even months, before it is struck down.
And even when it is declared unconstitutional, there is no way to go back and force renters to pay the money they owed when the moratorium was in place, even if the moratorium itself was illegal.
Imagine, for a moment, if the Supreme Court had told former President Donald Trump that he could not use military funds to build the southern border wall without congressional approval. In reality, it allowed the construction to continue in a ruling last summer. And imagine if Trump responded by tweeting that he was just going to build the wall anyway. Researchers Identify Biomarker Responsible for Depression.
Minor arrested for raping four-year-old girl in Bihar's Muzaffarpur. Rather than getting focussed on visas, we are broad-basing service requests in FTAs: Commerce Secretary. A Doctor Explains Why. Kirsten Dunst researched 'famous kisses' for iconic Spider-Man smooch. W Series to host prospective driver test in Arizona for season. About 1, KMC workers from different depts have Covid Why SMEs need urgent help for transition to green economy.
So when one pipe was penetrated, another pipe was connected with the previous pipe using the socket and then penetrated. For a ft borehole, 5 pipes were needed. For the test, a wooden plank source of 6 in x 30 in area and 3 m 10 ft in length was used. Figure 5 shows the wooden plank used for the test at Kamrangichor. A vehicle was placed on the plank, to hold the plank tightly.
There was a sensor attached to the wooden plank. The plank was hit separately on both ends to generate shear wave energy in two different directions. It was also hit vertically in the downward vertical direction to generate vertically polarized compression wave energy. The shear wave energy was polarized in the direction parallel to the plank as was the transverse component.
The transverse component was used to measure the shear wave energy. The vertical component was used to measure the vertically polarized compression wave energy. Typically records are taken for each type of wave —east going, west going shear wave and vertical compression wave. Figure 6 shows PS logging test at Gulshan Figure 7 shows the data of shear wave generated by giving blow with hammer in both directions horizontally. For computing the arrival time of the shear wave, the first point of the time domain data of the transverse component taken when both wave generated from both horizontal directions just overlap each other.
From the calculated travel time of the compression and shear wave, the velocity can be determined by dividing the distance of the source to receiver by the travel time. Shear wave velocity was determined using this method. The locations are shown below in Figure 9. A correlation was suggested using set of data of depth, SPT N value and shear wave velocity.
Analysis Result During earthquake, propagation of seismic waves through soil column alters the amplitude, frequency and duration of ground motion by the time it reaches the surface. The effects of ground motion are propagated in the form of waves from one medium to another. So, physically it is a problem of prediction of ground motion characteristics whereas mathematically it is a problem of the wave propagation through continuous medium. The evaluation of such response of the site to dynamic loading is termed as ground response analysis.
Most of the places of Dhaka city are underlain by loose sandy silts and silty clay which makes it vulnerable during an earthquake due to the ground motion amplification of the young, loose soil deposits in the area. Site response analysis consists of estimation of local site effects and surface ground motion.
This section deals with the estimation of surface ground motion for Dhaka city. This section presents the ground responses analysis outputs of the selected locations in Dhaka city. In Dhaka City information about the depth of bedrock was unavailable due to lack of deep boreholes. For site response analysis by equivalent linear method the results are considered to be accurate for estimating PGA up to 3sec for general projects Finn, ; Martin, ; Durward, ; Dobry, ; Dickenson, Input ground motion have to be selected in such way that they represent the regional seismicity and must incorporate the anticipated earthquakes.
The selection of ground motion can be done based on expected magnitude and distance, soil profile, strong motion duration, seismic-tectonic environment, acceleration to vertical ratio, spectral matching etc. The time history of the earthquake input motions are shown in Figure