MSUs go? Also, what about the. If you remove it you remove it, though. Thanks for clarifying some things. One other question I have is why did you remove XP Mode?
EXE for it. Yes, you put it in the post install section because WMF will not install properly unless you have. NET 4. Sorry, but for.
Am I supposed to see nothing except one update after installing with slipstreamed updates in the installer? You will likely see more than one update but they will only be the most recent patches like Malicious Software removal Tool or Update rollup.
There could be a number of updates in Optional but they will mostly be unneeded languages. In essence, you should only see those updates that have been added since our last update file release. Has it been that long already?
I will hopefully get it done in the next couple of days, the list was having trouble with the latest IE11 cumulative update. For some reason it was still requiring the old patch even though the new one is supposed to completely replace it. ULZ files lead to nonexistent server, looks like someone did a search and replace raymondcc. I started to work on 32 bit version. Now I have a question about boot. Microsoft Windows PE x86 and boot. Microsoft Windows Setup x PE x86 and the boot.
The status bar announces that the iso image is completed. Filesize of the iso is Is it completed, ready to use, or is there something missing?
Is there a way to get the drivers out of oem. Universal Extractor or maybe 7-Zip might extract the exe files. You can use the same method as this if you have the updates. This looks like a great tool also made by one of the developers over at doom9 video forums and it adds drivers and removes MS next generation CPU update ban and updated recently for Feb forum.
Just made the Win 7 64bit with the Oct update list. Just curious if people are leaving out editions or using Double Layer disc? I do and it works very well An 8GB stick is fine. The February updates are out. Hope you guys have some free time to update the lists.
The update lists have been fully updated to Feb , also including. Please check your install thoroughly because as you probably know, there has been a lot going on with updates these last few months. Thanks you for your article, i was trying to follow your guide using windows 10 to make an iso of windows 7 but forced to use Windows Hotfix Downloader because unable to install WUD on windows As you wrote, WHD list too many hotfix to dowload, es.
Looking forward to the new article on creating an up to date Windows image. Thanks a bunch. Do you think I have a good chance to implement the instruction of this excellent guide?
Incidently, many thanks!!! Firstly, it will not take into account newer updates so might have a few issues or add them in the wrong order. Secondly, we updated this article to reflect the newer interface of NTLite, so you will have to adjust some of our guide to suit the older version or find an earlier version of this article at the Internet Archive. I hope this gets updated soon. I cant find on google anywhere the perfect easy way to make an all in one windows boot usb.
I made a short list here: ntlite. Your guide has been recommended here: ntlite. As I mentioned before, NTLite was updated sometime around the middle of this year and it moved and renamed some options, we are in the process of updating the article to reflect those changes. As I said earlier, NTLite has made some changes so some things are not the same as in the article.
This and other things will soon be corrected to take into account the version differences of NTLite. Press the Start button and wait for the process to finish…… There is no uncheck for Export image option? Im wanting to make an bootable iso with multiple versions but not sure what to do at this step because NTLite does not look the same and have same options. As I said just below, NTLite has made a few changes to its user interface since the article was written earlier this year.
We will update the article to take into account the changes in the near future. The same functions are there just moved around a bit. Superbly helpful instructions, thank you! Windows has this problem where even though an update is included in one of the larger update packs like the convenience rollup, it still says the update is missing. Therefore, some updates are added again to satisfy Windows update.
I will recheck the ISO and see if this is the case with your errors. When we started this updated list. You can just ignore 4. Then install when Windows has finished installing. NET is installed on its own after Windows anyway so it makes no difference.
Hello i have some problems with English version , can you give me French version of folders. Installation were do with english version and IE 11 is in english too. I can modifiy file. You have to go through the Microsoft catalog and search for the French alternatives. Hi Ray, Thanks very much for this perfect tutorial, I have two questions though: 1. Hi Jean, 1. Multisessions approach can make the iso problematic. Obviously not with these update lists, but if you download all the required 8.
Thanks for this useful tutorials, i did follow every step. Do i need to download those or ignore it. KB should not be needed as it was superseded by KB, which is included in the updates list. Does this update list apply to Windows 7 in Spanish as well? No, this only applies to the English language. For Spanish or any other language, you would have to find the correct equivalent update patch. Where it says. Seems so. BUT, when I attempt to load it, I get the following error:.
No clue what the problem or the solution to this issue is, appreciate any and all help you can offer. I have limited access at the moment, and if you could respond to my private email it would be helpful. There is a new version of NTLite released the 21st of August so it might be worth getting that and retrying.
Sorry about that, my fault. The WUD file has been updated with the latest updates but I forgot to change the date inside the. HAL, thanks so much for this! I love that you are providing us an almost up to date ULZ file for Windows 7. There is a problem with this method though because some updates require others to be installed to work properly, so you have to be sure of this first.
I am tempted to ask two Qs : 1. Framework 4. Adding updates during install is safe as long as you integrate the right updates in the right order. NTLite is good at handling update order. If you only ever plan to use the disc once though, the saving hours of update installs is offset by the amount of time it takes to integrate the updates in the first place. I see, sorry to have misunderstood you. Going online and getting updates during an upgrade is again using Windows update anyway, so no real benefit.
RAY : Sir, thanks for the response , perhaps you are right , it has been quite a while since i made a clean install, again sorry to confuse, but i think i will be back here soon! So, integrating is more recommended, more useful and could potentially be safer because the system is fully up to date before you even go online. They are listed in a separate category in Windows Updates Downloader so you can easily exclude them if you want. Thanks for this tutorial. I like to mention that something changed with last version of ntlite 1.
There is no export to untick and I have to run integration process for each version Pro, Home and Ultimate. Then, setup is failing and hangs on last stage. How can one integrate the OEM versions of Win7? Yes, NTLite backs up the settings so they can be used again later on. This increases the download times and the time it takes to integrate the updates, most of which are not needed.
Would you kindly explain further why we would not want all the updates available? Windows Hotfix Downloader downloads several sets of updates, one is to slipstream with the Convenience Rollup and another without. None of it is required to get a standard home PC up to date. WHD will download over updates if you let it while with our WUD list you only download around Many many thanks HAL, nice toturial,, I m in the process of creating one, appreciate ur work..
On my pc it took me 10 hours to insert the updates on the Windows ISO file. The bit file works fine. Regards, Joe. Thanks for the report Joe, the. ULZ file is quite picky and has to be compressed using an old Zip method. The new files are 5. But every other updates seems okay…..
There seems to be a slight issue with our CDN still delivering the older file to some people even though the server has the new one. The link for the WHdownloader NO longer has a link to download the program. How long should this take.
Thank you Hal for continuing to keep this tutorial updated, Your time and effort is sincerely appreciated. Does this mean this method is no longer viable for obtaining updates?
If so, is there a 2nd way to go about integrating updates into the Windows ISO. The WUD method will not get your computer up to date fully as the last pack update it had was March You can still use it to get your computer updated to that point, so it still works but leaves a couple of years of updates, better than nothing but certainly not ideal.
Thanks for your reply Working to build this right so I can excise a Few limbs from this Orwellian beast. Dave likes his liberty…. I have a basic understanding excuse my ignorance if my questions seem outlandish…. I am using win7 Sp1 Thanks. MSU update patches. The issue with the rollup is dozens of patches have been merged together, trying to separate them again into individual patches would probably be impossible.
You will also need: Windows6. NET Framework 4. Considering the above, it appears there is no mention of how IE11 is to be processed as that is also an exe not an msu. Same goes for the Windows Update Agent. Both of these are in Optional Updates. Do they need similar processing as is carried out for.
IE11 can be added along with all the other patches because it will integrate correctly, something like. NET cannot be integrated so needs to be installed separately on first boot. Anyway, as there is no contact info on the Windows Updates Downloader website to let them know, just thought to let you know.
The latest one is Windows-KBxV5. No matter what I do it still takes Windows hours to search for and find updates. If the old version was installed, WU offers it v2 again. Is there anyway to check to see if the files you are downloading are already in the service pack 1 iso? Thanks for the reply Hal! As mentioned by another poster. This includes a slew of kb updates from MS. We are asking if it could possibly work to integrate all Updates onto those without needing to download the updates to every single OS Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Home Premium.
We are really needing this as this would spare us a hell lot of working hours. Your article was the first time I attempted slipstream updates into anything or make custom installs and I have since learned some really advanced forms of customization.
Thank you for your articles! You probably can but it depends how the AIO disk was put together and whether it uses bit or bit boot files etc. In reality it would be easier and faster just to download a clean ISO from Microsoft. It all seems way to complicated for me. A simple step-by-step instruction without assuming everyone is a computer genius would have been preferred. Instead of being time savers, usually, they are time wasters. If there is a better way of downloading an OS on you PC, why does Microsoft not offer it, use it, or even tell you about it?
No one is going to hold your hand and baby you through this process. I understand that there are readers out there with different levels of experience, and that you may be a novice. Your reply was not only unhelpful, but more importantly it shows your ignorance and laziness. I personally found this guide incredibly helpful and time saving. Next time before posting useless comments, maybe you should think twice before publicly embarrassing yourself.
The text file seems to be a description of the KB updates. Thank You. Firstly you have to actually install WUD not try to use a portable version , then the ULZ filetype will be applied and the file will be imported once double clicked. I tried reinstall of WUD and I keep getting an open text file. Any other things to try??? If you still have trouble rename the. Ok Got it now, when downloading updates, make sure that that are going into WUD directory, not the default directory that shows up on WUD when you first open it.
Hope this might help others having this problem. Thanks for your help Mr HAL Can i use whatever windows 7 iso? Use windows new convenience rollup update which will mean you only have two add two updates to the update list. A I opened the Windows 7 Ultimate x ISO image in 7Zip and extracted it all to a folder. B I installed nLite v1. D Navigating to the root of the folder where the extracted ISO files were deposited was not successful.
Is this an atypical DVD image? It did come directly from Microsoft TechNet. Many thanks to Raymond. CC for the help so far. I think you have got confused somewhere, you are talking about using nLite which is the slipstreaming tool for Windows XP.
The tool and method we are talking about here is NTLite which is why you are being asked for the i directory, XP has that directory, Windows 7 has a Sources folder. That and KB are both recommended to install if you are having this issue although they are by no means a magic bullet and you can still have the same problem with them installed.
These files are cml where as the orginal uls format is bnary. ULZ file you download is a renamed Zip file which contains a. UL file, this in turn is a renamed XML file that contains the updates data.
If you have installed Windows Updates Downloader correctly it will recognise the ULZ file type and automatically extract and import the.
UL file on double click. If you installed WUD and get this problem try reinstalling. I also got a zip as I used Internet Explorer 8 to download the file. But thanks to HAL for clarifying, just rename the.
Worked brilliantly for me. Added bonus; no need to cope with Windows Update Errors. Plus I now have install media that can be used on any machine. Next project is to integrate USB3 drivers to speed up the install process even more. I believe that NTLite will do that if it is paid for, but I suspect there will be a manual method that would work. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Hi all here is what I did to shorten the update process. It searches for updates within in about 5 min now where as before would take for ever.
Only trouble is that this disk is around 4. This is ok if your computer supports usb boot function. It has to crunch numbers checking KB signatures from the bottom up and there is no way to pre-cache this step. Your machine will seem slow for a looooong time due to windows update running in the background. Took another 2 hours to download and process. NET patches are compiled on the fly so they take a long time. The only way around this is to take a test machine and do a fresh install. Apply patches, updates, and base software.
Sysprep, image, and pack it into an ISO……Have fun everyone! Would really like to try this. The only problem I now have is Windows Update just hangs. The issue you are having is becoming more and more common recently but there could be a few missing updates that might help cure the problem, and WSUS will install them for you. This is a known but poorly documented issue.
The fix is to manually install KB, available from support. Hope this information saves some headaches! KB is also recommended when you have this problem because it installs the latest Windows Update Client version. Well, whenever I go to shutdown after running Windows Update there always seems to be an exclamation on the shut down button and some updates are installed before the computer fully shuts down.
Just for some reason it never shows that is has found and downloaded updates in the Windows Update page. The only exceptions could be something like the updates to Windows update that could get installed automatically as prerequisites.
Last couple of days I have been working on the same issue with Windows Update. Made sure to let it check for updates when it asked. Then I went to bed as it was about 1am already. Got up pretty early and came down to the computer.
Moved the window to the side and seen the Windows Update found updates as well. I did the new install only because I was not able to get updates working in the old install. So now I have fully updated my new Windows 7 and will have a bunch of apps to install, but first I did a full backup of this current install. Hi, Great tutorial, just created a fully updated self installing AIO for win7, also made 8.
I do have some questions if someone could please help. What is the difference between 8. If a laptop has 8 on it, can I put 8. Also the iso I created here for 8. Can I just go ahead and put 8. Hello, great manual, but for some reason it did not work for me : I have done everything step by step and final iso file was around 3.
Any idea why? Did you install the same version of Windows you ran the updates for? For instance, if you integrate the updates for Professional there will be none for Home Premium, Ultimate etc…. I have found iso of the win 7 with SP1 and it worked with that one. Thanks for your help :. Hi, Hal2k! Download NTLite Free and install it. Thanks for your quick reply!
Sounds like it might work? Slipstream disks become more valuable the more they are used to install Windows, for one install they are not really worth the time.
Home Premium etc. That belief makes two of us — and I do hope so, too. It runs all of the updates for you. If you did that you would still only have an updated Ultimate. All the different versions of 7 are stored in the WIM file and need to be updated separately, removing the ei.
The tool is named autopatcher and it separates 32 bit and 64 bit updates validates check sums and includes windows 8 as well. The download link is in there support forum. Unlike so many so call guides all they want people click on there site with tons unhelpful info small pictures and full of adverts.
Hi, I followed your guide and it was very useful. However, after that I made the new ISO with all updated suggested by your link, at the end of the installation, there are still more than updates to do. How can I integrate also them?
Sadly it appears the author of WUD is not keeping his lists up to date, the last one is from March Ntlite will report the hotfixes that are not compatible after you add them.
You can remove the ones that are in conflict, etc. There is a similar guide but manual here sysadminlab. If your DVD has been custom made and includes other patches since SP1, there is no way to tell what has already been integrated into the disk. If I may… I have and use what I believe is a faster solution to setting up a new pc, updates, 3rd party apps and all….
Do not let it reboot if it asks to do so. I boot these every 2 weeks to update them, then run steps again [steps can be made into a batch file]. Once you have this under your belt, you can get a new PC ready far less time. I also use this to update clients apps the supported ones anyway automatically, by scripting the file to run every 2 weeks.
IMHO this should have been introduced in Vista already. Wintoolkit is much better than nlite. It can slipstream all the updates and create a bootable iso using microsoft tools. I have used WinToolkit several times over the years but believe NTLite is better and an easier product to use. Landon, are you using a mobo with UEFI bios? I had exactly the same problem when using a new Asus motherboard.
Reboot and the install should pick up where it left off, but your keyboard will now work. At this rate I should have just installed Windows 7 Home premium like normal, and let it gather updates itself in 24 hours.
Where the original updates are located during installation process, then just recompile the ISO again. After doing WUD, I just merged the updates for WIndows 7 into one folder, while putting the installer updates into another folder, adding those to post-setup. For some reason though after merging updates non-installers and ones downloaded from your WUD List, it overwrote some that were downloaded from WUD..
So apparently WUD and your list grab same named updates, just put into their respective folders? Been easier to just put updates on target computer, slap a batch file script to run into each folder, letting it install the updates via batch file. The last time I tried this, which was a few months back, the install took about 5 minutes longer than it would from an untouched install disk under 30 mins.
You definitely have a problem somewhere and probably the only fix would be some testing in batches to see where the problem is. Any ideas where to get the most recent update list from as obviously i want to make the most up to date ISO image.
I downloaded windows 7 x86 using windows hotfix downloader since it founds more updates. Then i used ntlite to try to integrate them on the windows 7 installation dvd but ntlite jumped the integration of all the updates!! The same hapened using the update files downloaded by windows update downloader. What should be the cause of this behavior? Hi Raymond. So this single folder would then contain all updates. NTLite will load everything from inside whichever folder you tell it. Hello Raymond, Interesting and informative, as to be far is the content of the site, I am however experiencing one issue which I hope you can assist me with.
Now I am running the latest version and no matter how I try to load the application, compatibility at various versions, via admin and without etc, I am unable to install the application, any suggestions? WUD obviously needs an earlier version of.
NET, Windows 10 only comes with. I just noticed in my reply, my double quotes showed up as quotes with the top leaning towards the right. They're supposed to be straight up and down.
If you copy and paste the command into something like notepad, you'll see the difference between the double quotes in the command versus the double quotes that's created with the keyboard. Just copy and paste the double quote and then hit the double quote on the keyboard. It'll show you the difference. I am unable to service a Windows 7 x WIM image created using Smart Deoploy's capture process.
It captures a. WIM of the. So far I have been successful in mounting the. I have about updates to apply yet when I go to apply I am given this error;. Error 32 this process is in use I have waited overnight to try to commit to see if it's a timing thing. Here's some tips that summarizes what others have said here and adds some details. It should also help those that get the 0xf errors.
I've put some important text in bold so it's easier to spot if you want to browse through the post quickly later. The reason for the 0xf error seems mostly to be that people are trying to slipstream express patches which means that the files doesn't contain the full patch. Some people above have recommended the Windows Updates Downloader tool but it currently seems to have very outdated patch lists so I wouldn't recommend that now as of July 19th when this was written.
It will take a while. NOTE: Even though WSUS Offline Update downloads xml files from Microsoft with patch lists it still might not include the very latest patches so you'll have to run Windows Update after patching and note down which KBs you're still missing and download them manually if you want to include everything up until today. As new patches are most likely just around the corner it's probably a waste of time though. In case someone doesn't know, Windows 7 has version number 6.
The folders without -x64 are the 32 bit ones. Here's the command lines I use to patch Windows 7 64 bit. I think you need both to get all patches. Make sure you run the command in a window with administrative rights. All the indexes in the wim files should now be listed in the main window with gray dots in front of them. When this is done the dot in from of the index should be green and you should have new menu items in the left column.
When you want to write all the changes to the wim click Apply at the bottom on the left column and then click Process in the top left corner. Since I also had trouble installing most of the updates with dism I set up a WSUS server and used its found updates as source. Now it works fine integrating them with dism. ISO size is 8. The ISO is not a bootable Windows which was not explained. This fails on all updates but windows updates.
Is there anyway to install all the office updates, etc? I don't usually leave replies on boards and this one is a little old, but I just wanted to say that this article and the different workarounds have really helped me out. I already use wsus offline and it is an amazing way to get most of the downloads you need without bottlenecks from the update server.
I tried NTLite but couldn't get it to load. You literally have to download every single update as. I will probably use NTLite to add the.
Net files though, since they are all. Any way, thank you to everyone who wrote and helped contribute to this! I'm not going to use SCCM. Something about this article just isn't right, or works. I've been trying to modify the commands, perhaps it comes down to the age of the content It's not explicitly stated "Share the C drive on the computer that's fully installed Seems like a pretty good idea but it's very flawed and missing a lot of steps I see this quite a lot with engineer based deployment scripts, and while I can assume what was required of me, the fact that the information given does not work makes troubleshooting this issue a bigger PITA.
Here's what I'm encountering, I mount the wim file, then I open another command prompt and when I paste the command in and edit it to point to the correct location, it doesn't work. I was able to get the DISM command to load, but once, and it errored out. I'm not entirely sure that it will work without describing what the commands are looking for that way I can troubleshoot my network, or firewall, or cmdkey, or etc rather than trying to see what is wrong with the provided script.
How much longer would it take to run the the R2 upgrade with all the patches applied? Also, since we lost a good team member, anyone here able to generate a full R2 base upgraded image for us at cost?
And if so, what is your cost? How do i check, if the update patches and servicing stock updates are correctly integrated or not. Can i totally install the bootable iso to a virtual drive and then unmount it without any damage to the existing windows running. I ask you, because, at one time, the installation stopped abruptly while expanding files I am talking about windows 7 64 bit.
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Will you deploy Windows 11 to end users in your organization in ? View Results. Member Leaderboard — Month. Member Leaderboard — Year. Author Leaderboard — 30 Days. Author Leaderboard — Year. Brandon Lee wrote a new post, Redirect user profile folders documents, pictures, etc. For a long time, roaming profiles and folder redirection were the standard means under Windows for making user files available on different devices. Now that more and more users work on the road or at home rather than in the office, this technique is becoming increasingly obsolete.
An alternative to such environments is to redirect profile folders to OneDrive. Windows 7 Slipstreamed Iso Download Free Now, before you go on saying things like 'XP's dead, man, get 7 at least', keep in mind that this is not intended for a system I use on daily basis, OK?
In the folder that I select to download the files in, it creates the Update Installer, which would be useful if I wanted to install them to an already existing XP installation. As I want to slipstream the updates, I assume I am just going to need the updates themselves without the installer. In what folder s are they stored?