Software finesse

Shaking a mirror with light. An amplitude modulated laser beam is reflected of a suspended mirror to create a modulation of the mirror's position, a very simple demonstration of a radiation pressure simulation. We superimpose a laser beam with a squeezed vacuum input and detect the result with quantum noise detectors. Computing error signals for a cavity auto-alignment system and keeping the cavity on resonance with Pound-Drever-Hall.

A set of 10 Finesse input files and a technical note describing the detector characterisation regarding the Virgo north arm cavity in A mirror surface map based on measured data is applied to the end mirror. One of the most interesting effects of radiation pressure in interferometry is the optical spring.

A slightly detuned cavity is used to create an optical spring between two mirrors. A simplified Advanced LIGO model is used to plot the quantum-noise limited sensitivity of an advanced gravitational wave detectors with suspended mirrors and high laser power.

We have created a dedicated website for sharing simulation examples: Interferometer Simulation Logbooks. Logbooks are a common tool for recording progress in collaborative research projects. To subscribe to this list please send an email to ' finesse-users-request at nikhef. Similarly you can unsubstribe by sending an email to the same address with the subject ' unsubscribe '.

If you experience any problem with installing or running Finesse , you can contact us at: ' finesse-support at nikhef. The following links provide direct links to useful downloads related to Finesse. Finesse is an open source project released under the GPL3 license. The plot on the right shows a comparison of a Finesse model, an analytic computation with measured data from Advanced LIGO.

The data shows the signal response transfer function of the interferometer to differential arm DARM length modulation. Reflection, transmission Changing the refection and transmission of one mirror.

Length and Tunings The phase of a light field reflected from a beam splitter; a short demonstration of how length and positions of optics are handled. Modulation and Bessel functions Phase modulation is applied to a laser beam to generate five pairs of sidebands; and the amplitude of the three first harmonics is plotted.

Radiation pressure effect Shaking a mirror with light. They were able to adapt to it and with our expertise we were collectively able to come up with a solution that we are all proud of.

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