Click OK to close Properties. If you'd like to cancel the subscription to this article, follow the confirmation link from the email we've just sent you. Toggle navigation Knowledge Base Knowledge Base. Overview Knowledge Base Blog. This option is not selected by default: Resolution Prerequisite: You will need to have Microsoft Office installed for this to work.
I am at my wits end. I have unchecked read only in the properties hoping that would help, but it did not. I don't know why the special QuickWords template QWnnxx. The location for this special template is found in the same folder as your default template, as shown in your Tools, Settings, Files, Template dialog. Please confirm that this special template exists in the location specified in your Tools, Settings, Files, Template dialog, and that it is, in fact, NOT marked Read Only.
Thanks for the response, Barry. I did all the things you said and still could not get anything going. Search Advanced search…. New posts. Search forums. Log in. Sign up. Computer problem? Tech Support Guy is completely free -- paid for by advertisers and donations.
Click here to join today! JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Word Perfect Quick Words Template's read-only. Thread starter leis Start date Sep 8, Status This thread has been Locked and is not open to further replies. The original thread starter may use the Report button to request it be reopened but anyone else with a similar issue should start a New Thread. Watch our Welcome Guide to learn how to use this site.
Joined Sep 8, Messages This concerns using the Quick Words Template and bottom line or basic question tying in with the issue here; my recent hire in at law firm to use word perfect software for transcribing's excellent, but the one feature I greatly use but is not enabled, due to the template being read-only. The template's not being used on the network drive or for network, at all.
The sys. Bottom line, and question here, if possible suggestion or information can be provided, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Can I retreive the template or copy back to my own C drive or where it should be in order to function, as I understand, move it to the default template. My supervisor's not keen on people or staff tinkering around on the network settings because some attys. The estimated time to read each section at a reasonable speed — excluding any time to study, try a method, or follow links — is shown in [green].
Troubleshooting and repairing WordPerfect documents and templates - Typical symptoms. A basic but important concept. Why documents and templates can become damaged. A troubleshooting path to help isolate the problem - Some logical questions to ask yourself. Some methods and tools to fix damaged documents or custom templates - Listed in order of usefulness. Fixing the default template - But please read the ' Troubleshooting and repairing Miscellaneous problems, error messages, etc.
When you have tried everything else: Repairing the program What is a User Profile? For everyday work this is typically the default template , but it could be a custom template. There are hidden elements in documents and templates. WordPerfect documents and templates are not like pieces of paper that serve to hold only words or pictures on them, like pages in a magazine. In fact, they are digital structures that contain hidden, behind-the-scenes information in their prefixes , such as the current printer selection, style data, formatting, and many other document-specific settings.
It is here, in these hidden areas, that things can sometimes go wrong, ranging from a document that might still open but sometimes show some strange or erratic behavior or formatting, to a document that displays one or more of the major symptoms listed above, such as a freeze.
See the next section. There are several known reasons why this can happen. The following sections assume you have a basic familiarity with the troubleshooting material in Sections I and Section II above. Not all problems are due to internal corruptionc of the document, as those sections above indicate. Be sure to back up your document or custom template before attempting to fix it. Note: If you need to fix the default template , see Section IV below for information on locating and backing up this critical file.
Sometimes one method works to fix a particular file and another method does not. It is highly recommended that you try the primary methods and tools below first. Work slowly and carefully. A secondary method see below the primary ones might work if a primary method didn't fix the problem. Section V deals with some miscellaneous problems and issues as well as some error messages.
Tip: if you want to automate making backups of future WordPerfect documents, see Automatically make back ups of your document to help you recover your work : Using WordPerfect's built-in backup features and some other backup methods. Close the problem file if it is open. Open a new, blank document i. Type an "x" actually, any character in the new document. Insert the problem file from your disk with Insert, File.
Important: Don't use copy-and-paste to insert the contents of the problem file. Instead, use Insert, File to insert the file directly from your disk. Automatically repairing one or many users files can often be done quickly and easily using Corel's file repair utility, WpLook. You can run it from there — it does not need to be installed since it is a single standalone file. Or better yet, create a shortcut to it and drag the shortcut onto your Windows desktop.
See "How to use it effectively" below. Note: If you cannot find the file in Windows Explorer, perhaps Windows is set to hide some program files. See the procedure here which is similar. See the tip under "Starting it" below. Again, it does not need to be installed since it is a single standalone file. It does not need to be installed since it is a single standalone file. Choose a file to repair, other than one that is currently open.
Two alternative methods:. For earlier WP versions see "Getting it" above. You can't use a currently open file. This will let you quickly send that WordPerfect file. Be sure to choose a WordPerfect file that is not currently open. This should take only a few more seconds. If the repairs above do NOT work, you can try these methods:. TXT file. It might be easier to re-format the extracted plain text than continue to try and fix a seriously corrupted document.
Need to share a confidential file? It might be better to publish the document to PDF and distribute it that way. See here for an old treatment of this topic. The following items do not need to be tried in any particular order. Read through them to see which might appear useful to you. This is a quick and easy method. However, it might be easier to re-create these items following their removal if it saves the rest of the document.
Be sure to back up the document first! For badly damaged documents, you can try retrieving the document's content with QuattroPro. Yes, that's right — the WordPerfect Office spreadsheet program. Graphics and formatting will be lost, but the text may survive and can be reformatted, so it's worth a try. This is fairly easy — although it can be time-consuming to reformat larger documents. This method assumes you can open the "problem" document.
It's a relatively easy method, although it can be time-consuming. If the problem disappears, it was likely in that section. See also the next item, "Remove formatting. Scroll down in that thread for a downloadable version. The methods are quick and easy to use but if you have lots of custom formatting in the original document it can be very time consuming to restore that formatting, depending on the formatting, length of the document, etc.
B ut this might be better than losing the entire document to file corruption. See also the Tip below. Document must be open. This should remove everything but plain text in the new separate file, which will have the same filename but with a ".
As the name implies, this will remove all formatting left tabs are retained , producing a plain text document — i. It's a quick and easy way to remove all text attributes, images, most symbols, paragraph and page formatting, etc.
But here, Method 2 pastes the unformatted text into a new and presumably "healthy" document. Otherwise you might paste into a new document that also has problems. Alternative: The "gold standard" to fix any default template corruption is to rename the default template to force the program to automatically generate a new virgin copy, as discussed here.
Now that you have two separate documents — the original and an unformatted version — you can tile them on screen to make a visual comparison easier with Window, Tile If you have a file viewer such as QuickView, you might be able to copy text from the viewed file and paste it into a new document. If you have WordPerfect 6,7,8,9,10, for Windows, copy the contents from the Viewer.
To do this: 2. Right click in the preview window, select content, left click with the mouse in preview window, hold and drag through document until highlighted, 4.
Right click in the preview window and copy, click close for file open window. In a blank document, click Edit Paste and the document will be placed in the current screen.
Save the file with new name. Some problems with documents can be traced to the computer's video card driver or its printer drivers next section below. Some WordPerfect experts have felt that a bad or outdated printer driver can produce problems with documents, especially frequently edited ones. Moreover, the currently selected via File, Print printer's information is saved internally with the document.
Since WordPerfect is a true WYSIWYG "What you see is what you get" program, it makes heavy use of your system's graphics capabilities and especially the printer driver installed to render documents on screen as well as in print. See " Is the printer turned on?
Is it available to your computer? In that case could you benefit from a separate Windows user profile for off line work? Right-click the icon for the new default printer, and choose Set as Default.
Then, in WordPerfect, you can turn on i. Or, you can just open the problem document and choose the new printer in File, Print. If it cures the problem, you have evidence that the original printer driver is bad or damaged. To remove and reinstall a printer driver, see here. If you have multiple printers installed , you may be required to remove all the printers [and printer drivers: see here ] one at a time from your Control Panel and try launching WordPerfect after the removal of each.
Note: Sometimes [other installed] printer drivers will send WordPerfect information it doesn't understand, causing issues, perhaps even crashes. To eliminate this possibility, try removing your installed printers. A good printer to select from the list is any model of Apple LaserWriter.
Then, in WordPerfect, 1 turn off i. If it cures the problem, you have evidence that the original driver is bad or damaged. Also un-check disable Prompt-As-You-Go. Try exiting WordPerfect and reloading it — or even rebooting Windows.
This sometimes cures the problem. See Section V below. See the Repairing 'bad' or damaged WordPerfect program files page here. WPD that you might be using as a "template" to use over and over as a source document for some current task.
They also do not refer to user-created custom templates — though these too can become corrupted and can be treated for damage the same as ordinary documents see Section III. Instead, they refer to files with a special 6-character filename pattern that begins with WP and ends with the extension. WPT , located in a specific folder, as noted below. Not only can new or previously saved documents. WPD become corrupted, as was discussed in the previous sections above, but template files. WPT can suffer damage, too.
This includes the WordPerfect default template , the file on which all your new, blank documents are based, and which transmits certain user settings and formatting possibly including some corrupted elements!
While corruption in the default template is not as common as corruption in normal documents, it happens sometimes — such as when the computer is abruptly turned off while changes are being saved to it. Important: Locate the currently active default template on your hard drive. Some installations have more than one default template installed, but only one of them will be currently active.
Note: If you cannot even open WordPerfect to view that dialog, see the more detailed "Default template" section on the Templates page here. WPT or similar pattern.