The computer A. And the new Fusion system is confusing as all heck. But to be fair, when compared to Yugi's PS1 debut, Duelists definitely offers the better experience; the new board layout adds a lot, making the game feel a bit like chess. There's plenty of strategy involved, and once you get to the point where you understand the defense and attack principles, it's definitely addictive.
The big question is whether you'll play long enough to understand all the rules. As was the case with Yu-Gi-Oh!
Fans of the franchise will scream bloody murder when they see this score, while casual gamers are gonna think the grade is at least a couple points too high.
But here's the bottom line: While far from great and way too complicated for its own good, Duelists is reasonably deep and ultimately pretty satisfying. Players willing to put plus hours into learning the rules of this crazy card-and-board-game hybrid will have a decent time. After all, the monster battles look fantastic and the game's strategic elements make for a surprisingly addictive experience.
The problem is, it takes forever to learn how to play the damn thing. Combining monster cards to create a more powerful deck is the key to winning battles, but trying to understand all of the unstated and seemingly arbitrary card-compatibility guidelines is a nightmare. Worse still, the steep learning curve will obliterate new players. Weevil, the first boss, is easily as tough as Kaiba, your final opponent.
If you've never played a Yu-Gi-Oh! Yep, quite a slaughterfest if you do it all right. OOO Next up, Ishtar. Before the battle, if you had an easy-enough time with Pegasus, defeat him several more times to try to get some of his Toons, Change of Heart, Tremendous Fire, and Mimicat, all very useful cards. A fight that should be a Deck Leader : Witch of the Black fair deal easy is not so.
Otherwise, you may -- Fake Trap x2 flatline quite fast. But make -- Gemini Elf x1 sure one of your strong monsters -- Great White x1 becomes a Zombie; more on that in -- Hightide x2 in a second.
Summon your Aqua -- Monsturtle x1 Dragon afterwards and send it -- Penguin Knight x2 into the slaughter. Aqua Dragon can't deal -- Star Boy x2 with those, can it? However, since -- Yado Karu x1 Ishtar will receive the same aid, -- Zarigun x1 you need to use Equip Magic Cards to further increase your power.
Also consider laying down Mirror Wall to halve his monsters' ATK in battle -- he won't hesitate to do the same to you. OOO Not much to say after this. If you had an easy time, try to take a Mirror Wall from him and any other cards you found useful.
Head over to the Richard, next. Given the field and his -- Acid Trap Hole x2 monster repertoire, you may want -- Armail x1 to pull a Call of the Haunted -- Armed Ninja x1 thing again, or change the field. You can adjust your -- Sword of Dark Destruction x2 tactics in a similar manner for -- Sword of Dragon Soul x1 utilizing the Perfectly Ultimate -- The Judgement Hand x1 Great Moth, although that is a -- Zanki x1 bit risky, due to the waiting period of about seven turns.
OOO Next up is our penultimate battle against -- you guessed it -- Seto Kaiba. Adjust your deck properly, then head to battle him. All that means he has a Normal lot up his sleeve. Aqua Dragon Lamp x1 will remain on his usual strategy -- Legendary Sword x1 of using his ability to gain -- Lord of D x1 ATK in battles, though this won't -- Magic Jammer x1 be much comfort versus some of -- Makazukinoyaiba x1 Seto's monsters.
Consider keeping -- Monster Reborn x1 Aqua Dragon on the small fries -- Mountain x1 while the Zombies deal with the -- Mystic Horseman x1 bigger catches until you pull a -- Negate Attack x1 Mirror Wall out of your deck. OOO Okay, we have one more duel coming up.
To battle him again, use R1 or L1. Think about getting a total of three Change of Hearts as well, as they will be key. If you've managed without Call of the Haunted, Pumpking the King of Ghosts, and Aqua Dragon so far, just get them now and make it easier on yourself. Get ready for your final battle of this part of the storyline. If you get to -- Multiply x1 that point, also try to get -- Paralyzing Potion x1 Pumpking the King of Ghosts so as -- Princess Tsurugi x1 to further boost your stats.
If a Riryoku -- Skull Knight x2 gets through or you have some -- Solomon's Lawbook x1 anger to vent , you can take one -- Time Seal x1 of his monsters near his Deck -- Tremendous Fire x2 Leader and smash it right into -- Warrior Elimination x1 him OOO And thus ends the story for the Red Rose side of the game Watch the ending and record the password if you don't plan on looking at the others in this FAQ.
Then prepare to start up the White Rose side of the game It will get you accustomed with how you play the game, get you used to harder strategies, and provide better decks for when you start this side of the game. Most of the strategies here, if not all, will use the strategies repeated throughout the Red Rose side of the walkthrough, where you can easily get the cards required.
Just so you know. You, in other words, side with the Yorkists and oppose the the Lancastrians. At the start, head over to Tea and fight her. OOO Opponent : T. His monsters are not overly Fields : Extremely varied powerful and are thoroughly dealt Hidden Card : Novox's Prayer with via Aqua Dragon and a few OO other strong monsters.
Head over to fight Mako. Okay, time to change it Hidden Card : Time Eater around a bit. Also don't summon your Aqua -- Enchanting Mermaid x1 Dragon for a while. OOO Next stop, Joey. Otherwise, you Hidden Card : Rigras Leever might get screwed over quickly. Keep that about OO Move over into the Dark zone if Shadi's Deck Contents: you want, but do one or the other -- Berfomet x1 as it won't matter to me.
We can use -- Dark Piercing Light x1 this to our advantage. Begin by -- Dimensionhole x1 bringing out some of your best -- Electric Lizard x1 monsters that you can save a -- Electric Snake x1 place for a non-Zombie Aqua -- Final Flame x1 Dragon and use Call of the -- Fireyarou x1 Haunted when possible.
Use this -- Flame Cerberus x1 time to wait a bit for Pumpking -- Giant Soldier of Stone x1 to come up -- you have 99 turns, -- Hannibal Necromancer x1 so don't worry too much, even if -- Hibikime x1 you lose your whole Deck. In case you can't tell, that is Yugi's grandpa from the anime.
We don't want to get hit Fields : Varied with all of these harmful cards. It does -- Book of Secret Arts x2 happen, sometimes. Considering where Jasper's -- Infinite Dismissal x1 Deck Leader is, it won't be hard -- Just Desserts x3 to corner him at all, especially -- Left Arm of the Forbidden One x1 considering several things.
Bring the Pumpking card, OO as well as what other monsters Bakura's Deck Contents: you can manage. Go along and trash -- Arlownay x1 some cards as you need to -- the -- Barrel Lily x1 Call of the Haunted needs to come -- Bean Soldier x1 up quickly.
After transforming -- Beast Fangs x2 your team to Zombies, proceed to -- Crush Card x1 let them guard you. Keep drawing -- Dark Plant x1 away until you get your Pumpking. You have 99 -- Firegrass x1 turns to do this; no more than -- Gate Deeg x1 50 will be used in this.
If you have -- Mushroom Man x1 two guards, you may as well send -- Mystical Moon x2 one after stray monsters. Bakura -- Mystical Sheep 1 x1 doesn't have any decently-strong -- Nekogal 1 x1 monsters, and not even a Trap -- Rain of Mercy x2 Card in his entire deck. So, yeah, a problem. I wonder how you even pronounce his name Anyway, you'll have to fight him, for the second time if you played this like I laid out the walkthroughs.
We don't -- Magic Drain x3 have the time to be picky about -- Megamorph x1 it, so if Aqua Dragon becoems a -- Metalmorph x1 Zombie, at least he'll power up. Download Yu-Gi-Oh! Free Yu-Gi-Oh! Games Being Played Right Now Latest Searches play yugioh duelist of the roses online, free, pokemon ruby emulator, xxxgay, wwf f play game, pac-mac pinball 2 free games, zophar.
EMBED for wordpress. Download 1 file. Let it open for modders If you can. I'd like to experiment with interjecting cards in. Normal monsters would be easy, effect monsters would be interesting. I plotted about 20 classes needed with testing, and lots of configuration options. Not too bad though just a matter of well documenting things. Linux coming as soon as I drag an old desktop out I dont daily drive Linux but still appreciate the platform.
VMs wont let me open Blender or Unity unfortunately. We could talk via Discord or something. Maybe we could make a new game in the future. Right now I can't code But I know what the user what. I'am really good with creativity.
I've got a Linux build going up soon. I cross compiled from my MacBook Pro through Unity, so please let me know if there are any issues. A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Fix buggy scrolling behaviour in smaller dropdown lists, at the cost of potentially creating buggier implementation for larger ones. Implement an animation backlog queue to prevent bugs with Network Synced Animations. Added a new animation akin to the original game's in the DeckEditor screen.
Fixed bug 3 "Load Save" control dialog shown on create save list item Fixed bug 5 Resolution selector shows many duplicate options Fixed bug 6 Misc. Fix a bug where Mono on Linux does not let you write files starting with. Change sound volume, music volume, client quality settings, resolution settings, and more!
This is still in testing phases. Just about every card is now present in the game now. Effects will be added as time goes on of course. Card List Each save has 5 custom terrain slots so you can design the duel field of your dreams! Deck Editor added with a major redesign compared to the original game. More information. Install instructions Not signed for macOS: Once extracted, right click on the app bundle, click open, then click open when it asks if you want to open this app.