Blue heaven c.j. box download

Oh, there's a plot, of course, the mystery of just who did what and when, the worries about who will come out of it alive that would be the thriller angle , and a few messed up relatio Box does great characters.

Reading what I'm writing, I begin to see why I liked this book so much. There is a lot here! Feb 04, Kwoomac rated it liked it Shelves: contemporary-lit , reviewed , unlikely-hero , , fast-read , suspense. Ok, so my library is doing this thing forValentines Day called "blind date" where they wrapped up a bunch of books in pretty paper and you don't know what book you checked out til you unwrap it.

I figured it's good to read random books once in a while. This was my book. The teaser said there was a plot twist and just like any blind date, this was a bit of an exaggeration. Still it was a fun read and maybe I could go as high as 4 stars but I read another book by this guy and hated it so that has, Ok, so my library is doing this thing forValentines Day called "blind date" where they wrapped up a bunch of books in pretty paper and you don't know what book you checked out til you unwrap it.

Still it was a fun read and maybe I could go as high as 4 stars but I read another book by this guy and hated it so that has, rightly or not, effected my rating. It's a very fast-paced story where a couple of kids witness a murder out in the woods and are seen by the killers. The kids are off and running and the bad guys go after them. The kids outsmart the bad guys and find someone who believes them. Then we have the showdown between good and evil. Not gonna tell you who lives and who dies.

I will say this was a satisfactory read and I'd go out on a second date. View all 6 comments. Aug 22, Janie Johnson rated it really liked it Shelves: challenge.

I read this book with a friend for a buddy read. This is a new author for me as well. I really enjoyed this book a lot especially with no idea what the book was going to be about.

I have to say that I am glad that I read it and found a new author to enjoy. This is not a mystery but a thriller as there is not a "whodunit' to the story, well not to the reader anyway. In this book we have two kids, Annie and William, bother and sister, who witnesses a murder. They were spotted by the murderers and a I read this book with a friend for a buddy read.

They were spotted by the murderers and are now running for their life until they run into Jess Rawlins. Jess helps the kids by hiding them, and then the story goes on from there. I loved both the premise of this story and the characters. Both very well developed and wrote. I loved the action and the excitement. My favorite character, hands down, is Jess.

Such a strong, well developed protagonist. He is definitely someone I would want on my side of things. For some reason as I read the book, I kept picturing Sam Elliot playing this role of Jess if it were ever a movie. There were several heroes born in this book, Jess being one of them.

One of my favorite things about this story was how the relationship between Jess and kids grew. How these kids had to trust someone and how they discovered that they could trust this man simply by him being who he was. The antagonists were also written very well. I definitely hated each one of them for many, many reasons that I can't get into since this is a spoiler free review. There were the 'bad cops' of the worse kind, a big mouth reporter, of course we have to have one of those.

The kind that grate on your nerves and you want to either put them in their place or shoot them. I think the author developed all of them very well.

I have to say that I was a little surprised by the ending of this book. I feel as though the Author left it open for the reader's interpretation. So I feel like there was not any really closure to the end of the story. It can be interpreted in so many ways, one of which I hate to even explore. I recommend this book to anyone that loves a little mystery or thriller in their dose of daily reading. Jul 02, Marilyn Upright rated it it was amazing.

With lots of twists and turns, this book has the action Ive come to expect from CJBox. I absolutely fell in love with Jess Rawlins. It is wonderful to know there are good men left in the world. And horrifying to know that you cant always trust the ones who should be above reproach.

The last chapter made me cry. View 1 comment. May 21, Emilia rated it it was ok. The poor ending more or less negates any reason I may have found to recommend this book.

Sep 19, Thomas rated it really liked it Recommends it for: thriller fans. Shelves: us-rural-crime. I enjoyed reading this thriller and give it 4 out 5 stars. It was a library book and I am counting it for Idaho in my US state challenge.

This is not a traditional murder mystery, because you know who the bad guys are right at the beginning of the book. Two children, ages 12 and 10, see 3 men murder a fourth man. The killers see them and try to kill them, but they escape.

The suspense builds as the killers, ex LAPD cops, volunteer to help the local sheriff in rural northern Idaho help search for I enjoyed reading this thriller and give it 4 out 5 stars. The suspense builds as the killers, ex LAPD cops, volunteer to help the local sheriff in rural northern Idaho help search for the missing children. Once I was halfway through, I found it difficult to put down. Mar 01, Lyn Caglio rated it it was amazing.

This was a great read from beginning to end! Box continues to entertain. Great plot, interesting, well-drawn characters and a different ending.

Highly recommend. May 22, Maddy rated it it was amazing Shelves: reads. In an effort to win over her year-old brother, William, Tom has promised to take him fishing. When that doesn't happen, Annie decides to take matters in her own hands. Appropriating Tom's fishing rod, she takes William on a trek into the woods so they can fish on their own. Neither of them are prepared for what happens while they're there.

They've stumbled across a group of four men who are in the process of killing another man. The children inadvertently give themselves away and end up going on a run for their lives. And thus, they become "missing children"; fortunately, they've found a place to lay low until they can figure out what to do. The book takes place in North Idaho, a setting that Box describes in breathtakingly beautiful detail. The area has become a haven where retired cops from Los Angeles are settling down.

They get to have a little bit of heaven at an affordable price; at the same time, there are enough of them that they have a sense of community. Considered to be a desirable addition to the neighborhood, it's a shock to realize that the killers are among this group. In an effort to cover up the crime, they volunteer to run the task force searching for the children. Who better to take on such an assignment than a bunch of expert cops?

Of course, no one is aware that there is anything amiss with these men. The children end up on a remote ranch owned by Jess Rawlins that has seen better days.

Rawlins is struggling to keep his ranching operation going; he's about to sell out unless he can turn things around. He's a man with a big heart, though, and he immediately protects the children when he finds them in his barn and hears their story.

The suspense ratchets to unbearably tense levels when the rogue cops realize that Rawlins has the children in his care. The characters are lovingly drawn and feel very real.

I cared deeply about the fate of the children and aligned instantly with the principled and brave Rawlins. At the same time, the plot is well conceived and the pacing excellent. Box is best known for his series set in Wyoming featuring Sheriff Joe Pickett. I wouldn't be surprised to find this standalone thriller reaching the best seller lists.

I know that it is going to be a top read of the year for me. I've been reading books by C. Box for at least 20 years and don't know how I missed out on this one. In my opinion, his Joe Pickett series is one of the best ever. Now I've got a treat with this standalone from In North Idaho, 12 year old Annie and her 10 year old brother William decided to go fishing. They witness 3 men shooting another man. Annie and William are spotted and must run for their lives.

These men will stop at nothing. Jess Rawlins owns a acre cattle ranch an 4. Jess Rawlins owns a acre cattle ranch and can't make the payments any longer. Eduardo Villatoro is a retired cop who never solved a 13 million dollar robbery of a race track several years ago.

He simply can't let the case go. Box is known for his wonderful descriptions of the outdoors and this scenery of the place called Blue Heaven is no different. There are many poignant parts to this story - - the spunky kids, the poor but loving single mother, the banker who feels guilty about his part in the coverup, and the old fashioned rancher. I see many similar qualities in this book as the Joe Pickett series, mainly men who are determined to do what's right, regardless of the consequences to themselves.

The ending was climactic. I cried. Sep 18, Dara S. Really enjoyed this book. This is my third book by C. He does not disappoint. Apr 07, Twobchelm rated it really liked it. The good and the bad, story of a band of retired bad cops takes over a small town in Idaho. Good prevails, loved the players. Shelves: mystery , action , thriller , own , suspense , group-reads. My first C. Neither k My first C. But once at the creek, the children witness an execution-style murder and are now on the run from the three men who spotted them.

Retired Santa Anita policeman, Eduardo Villatoro, has come to town, wanting to solve a case that still haunts him. A few years back, after the races in Santa Anita, several million dollars was being transfered from the racetrack to the bank. The armored cars were stopped and one of the officers were killed. All this time, the killers were never found, the money still missing.

But several of the bills that matched the recorded serial numbers have been deposited lately, most through a bank in Kootenai Bay Blue Heaven. Villatoro is determined to solve this last case. But as Jess continues with questions while the children are hiding in his home, he learns that the children were right.

Now the four men are heading the search for the missing children, one of them staying with their mother in her house, keeping her away from the public, the media and the phone. But what will he do when the killers figure out the children are hiding in his home? William believes to be brave, even when scared spitless.

I adored the children. And the killers… they gave me the creeps. Being retired police officers, I think made the creeps worse. Vindictive, manipulative and cunning, I cringed everytime they determined what to do next to find the kids.

I hated every single one of them. While they get what they deserve, I still wish more would have happened to them. If you as me, they got the easy way out. Superb action, intense suspense, well-developed love-to-love and love-to-hate characters, incredible descriptions of what seems like a beautiful and relaxing place on earth, together with a tear-jerker ending, this was my first experience with C. A huge recommendation!

Feb 01, Michael rated it really liked it. This is a stand alone book and wow! It has the ability to stand alone, on its own two or however many a book has legs.

This is one of the best of Mr. Box's books that I've read and I've read a lot with none being less than very good. It deals with corrupt cops and honest cops and how so many retired LAPD officers have moved to Idaho. It deals with cops who were involved in a robbery and the subsequent murder of several people and the attempt to murder a 12 year old girl and her 10 year old bro This is a stand alone book and wow!

It deals with cops who were involved in a robbery and the subsequent murder of several people and the attempt to murder a 12 year old girl and her 10 year old brother. Some of the characters were endowed with great depth while others were fairly shallow and one dimensional.

But that is a minor flaw and one that can easily be understood; with the amount of characters in this book it would have required a weighty tome indeed to develop all the characters with a certain amount of depth.

As with all of the Box books I've read so far, the land is a major character in the book. It's high mountain forests and meadows with Box introducing us to the climate of the area. It's part of the plot and the action.

Of course that's what we've come to expect from Mr. Box and he certainly fulfilled all expectations. With just a modicum of imagination one can smell the pine needles, see the clouds hovering around the mountain tops in the distance, see the clarity of the water in the lakes and streams and even feel the grittiness of the bar that is long past its prime. If you like Box but you haven't read this one then by all means, find a source and get this book.

You will be treating yourself. Addendum: As mentioned, this is a stand alone novel. I would love to see Box write more with Annie, the 12 year old girl. I would love to see her grow, to develop the skills that she showed in this book as she matures. Annie could be an excellent protagonist. May 23, Rex Fuller rated it really liked it. Box defends North Idaho from the bias of those who've never been there and adds a great child-witness escape story with a superb character in the pantheon of real cowboys, Jess Rawlins.

It's not part of the Joe Pickett series but just as good. Oct 30, Julie rated it it was amazing. It is hard to get anything done when you are a reading a good book like this. The cast and location is terrific. May 26, Stephanie Jenkins Ortiz Cerrillo rated it it was amazing. This is my first book by C. Box and I'm so thrilled a friend highly recommended this author! It's easy to see why he has sold so many copies of his books and has won so many awards and acclaims.

This novel is full of so many twists, turns and unexpected events that I did not want to put it down. This novel has good cops, bad cops, a sweet small town community in Idaho, murder, a lone This is my first book by C. This novel has good cops, bad cops, a sweet small town community in Idaho, murder, a lonely old farmer and kids on the run-- just to name a few things going on in this excellent read. Twelve year old Annie decides to take her younger brother William fishing after they were stood up by their mothers boyfriend.

They have no idea how wrong this day will go. As they are walking through the woods they stumbled upon and witness a murder. Now their on the run from four killers. Four killers that know who they are, who their mother is and these men are ex-L. Annie and William soon learn they do not know who they can trust and that they can't go home or even contact their mom to let her know they are alive.

The kids take refuge in a barn about 8 miles from where the crime occurred on the ranch of Jess Rawlins.

Little do they know that this old man will become their savior and risk it all for them. If you like Crime Thrillers this is a book for you! A must read. View all 3 comments. Aug 14, Quinn rated it really liked it Shelves: action , books.

I felt the author gave a true portrayal of what life is like in Idaho. The idea that Californian's should stay in California. They move to Idaho to get away from the chaos and then try to change and manipulate things to be more like California. Go figure. I also liked the fact that Box points out that Idaho is known for racists groups. Carl Story and Vincent I felt the author gave a true portrayal of what life is like in Idaho. The story is about a bunch of L.

The cops are not as wholesome as they seem and things begin to spiral out of control to cover their tracks. I like C. J Box novels because he uses some of the western states like Idaho, Montana and Wyoming in his novels, and he has a great understanding of the way people in these states really act and feel.

No Sorry to disappoint. We do not guarantee that these techniques will work for you. Some of the techniques listed in Blue Heaven may require a sound knowledge of Hypnosis, users are advised to either leave those sections or must have a basic understanding of the subject before practicing them. DMCA and Copyright : The book is not hosted on our servers, to remove the file please contact the source url.

If you see a Google Drive link instead of source url, means that the file witch you will get after approval is just a summary of original book or the file has been already removed. Loved each and every part of this book.

I will definitely recommend this book to mystery, fiction lovers. Your Rating:. Your Comment:. Box Free Download pages Author C. Box Submitted by: Jane Kivik. Read Online Download. Hot Heaven by V. Andrews by V.


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