Cheat map for harry potter game cube game

Note where the Gnomes are running about before you jump or climb down. There is a hole on the left-backside of the tree. You must knock out all the Gnomes and throw them down this hole. So, make sure the Gnomes aren't too close to each other, and target lock the closest one to you.

Knock it out with Flipendo, carry it to the tree, and throw it down the hole. Do this as quickly as possible, because if another Gnomes sees you, it will charge at you When all three Gnomes are thrown down the hole, the bars blocking the Gargoyle Statue will be raised.

Cast Lumos next to the statue to make a floating green platform appear. Climb on the floating platform, and another platform will appear. Before you go on, rotate the camera angle until you see a golden chest or [TB] on a small ledge. To get this [TB], run towards the ledge closest to you. Once on the ledge, push Harry's back against the wall and shuffle across to reach the [TB] containing card 10, Burdock Muldoon.

Jump back onto the floating platform and continue jumping onto each new platform that appears until you reach the ledge next to the waterfall. Go behind the waterfall and grab the Asphodel it's a lavender colored plant. After pocketing the plant, four new Gnomes will appear. Throwing them down the hole is optional.

Your reward will be access to the golden [TB] in the shed right side. This [TB] contains card 17, Morgan le Fay. Retrace your steps back to the entrance and exit the garden. Ron is standing next to the door. If you talk to him, he will just tell you that there is nothing left to do, so he's going to bed.

Whenever he says this, it means that you have completed all the tasks for the day. Meet Malfoy on the fourth floor for a duel. Gain the Alohamora spell book from the library second floor. Return to Ron and Hermione. Unlock the door with Alohamora and release Ron and Hermione.

When you meet up with Ron, he reminds you of the wizard's duel with Malfoy that was agreed upon earlier. Follow Ron and Hermione to the fourth floor, and they will lead to where Malfoy is waiting. Get ready for a duel!!! Malfoy leads Harry, Ron and Hermione into a trap, and it's up to Harry to save the day.

Go through the crawl space next to Hermione. Amazingly, this crawl space leads you all the way down to Library on the second floor. The Alohamora spellbook is in the middle of the library; however, before you get the spell book, you might consider breaking all the glass jars in this area first, because ghosts will appear once you've obtained the book.

When you break all the jars, a [TB] will appear containing card 41, Godric Gryffindor. Now that you've learned the Alohamora spell, test it out on the door with the golden lock. Cut scene: Snape is on the lookout for rule-breakers. Cut scene: Snape also meets the BIG surprise. Exit the forbidden corridor through the door that Ron and Hermione are standing next to. Return to the Gryffindor tower and select "End Day" in your menu to retire for the night. Charms class second floor. Gain the Spongify spell book.

Meet Ron at Hagrid's Hut. When you meet up with Ron and Hermione there will be a cut scene will reveal more about the event that took place last night. It's Charms lesson next. Follow Ron and Hermione down to the second floor. For today's Charms lesson, you will be learning the Softening Charm, Spongify.

Enter the portrait hole to begin the Challenge. Come back after learning the Diffindo and Incendio spell to collect all 10 shields. Right when you enter the Challenge, pick up the book sitting on the stand in front of you to collect Folio Bruti Volume I, page 8: Fire Crab. If you want to see a live Fire Crab in person, just walk into the next area. A fire crab is just to the left of this circular room.

Cast Flipendo at it until it falls into a pit clockwise. Make sure you don't push the crab too close to the wall, otherwise the little crabby will get stuck by the wall. Run around in the opposite direction to find another Fire Crab. When I replayed this section, the crab somehow climbed up the stairs Climb up the spiraling staircase and pick up the Spongify spell book in the center of the room. Equip your new spell, and make sure you also have Lumos and Flipendo equipped as well.

Cast Lumos by this wall to find a secret room. Inside this room, push the block up against the wall to climb up to a Challenge Shield 1 and a [TB] with Pumpkin Pasty. Exit this room and go left counter-clockwise until you find another nook in the wall with torches.

Cast Lumos to find another hidden area. There is an imp on the upper level. Knock it to the ground floor with Flipendo, then knock it unconscious and throw it into the cage. Exit the room and go left clockwise and go through the corridor. Walk over the Chocolate Frog to recover any lost health. Climb up the stone block and cast Spongify onto the Spongify tile on the ground to conjure a spring. Run across the spring to be launched over the high wall.

Once across, climb back on top of the high wall to collect a Challenge Shield 3. Drop back down next to the brownish stone block and push it under the crawl space. Climb on the block then exit through the crawl space.

Cut scene: two ghosts appear. Defeat the ghosts by using your Lumos spell. They will be defeated once their damage bar is filled. Run around the room until you find a Spongify tile on the ground. Cast Spongify on the mark and jump up to the platform above. There are ghosts roaming around this area, so try your best to avoid them! Go through the first door you see.

Walk over the Chocolate Frog to replenish your health. Exit the room. Continue up the stairs and use the Spongify tile to reach the platform above in the center of the room. Cast Flipendo at the button on the central column to rotate the platform which you are standing on a quarter turn to the right. Once the platform stops, a Spongify tile will be uncovered by your feet.

Use the Spongify tile to jump onto the level above. Go up the stairs and jump across the gap to get to the next platform. You'll notice that there's a Spongify tile on the edge of this platform, but it won't do you any good right now, because the area above requires the Diffindo spell.

So just ignore it for now and continue up the stairs to the door that requires Alohamora. Unlock the door and go through. Follow the trail of beans and eat the Chocolate Frog. In the room ahead, there is a Gargoyle Statue on a higher level gated , and a Fire Crab towards the back of the room. Flipendo the Fire Crab into the bottomless pit to make a block drop from the ceiling. Note the hole in the ground right before the pit. Doing this also causes a flame to shoot out from the wall.

Cast Flipendo at the button on the wall across the bottomless pit to raise the gates blocking the Gargoyle Statue. Move the block under the Gargoyle Statue, then climb up and cast Lumos to make a floating green platform appear above the bottomless pit. From the floating green platform, jump to the area on the left to find a Challenge Shield 5 and a [TB] with card 8, Derwent Shimpling. On the right side is a [TB] with card 27, Mirabella Plunkett.

Now go back to the block and drag it all the way down towards the pit and into the hole in the ground. Don't forget to avoid the flames! The central platform should be connected to the one you're standing on next to the torch. Stand on the platform and hit the Flipendo switch to make it rotate about degrees to the right. Get off the central platform and look for a Spongify tile.

You don't have to do anything with this just yet. Jump across to the platform with the torch and go through the door. Follow the trail of beans until you run across two imps. Knock them out with Flipendo and lock them away in their cages. Cast Lumos next to the Statue to reveal two floating green platforms above a pit.

Climb over the low stone wall with a Challenge Shield 6 on top, and cross the floating platforms to get the other Challenge Shield 7. Turn around and hit the Flipendo switch behind you on the wall that contained Challenge Shield 6.

This will unlock two Fire Crabs. First, knock both crabs onto their backs, then Flipendo them into the pit. A block will drop from the ceiling.

Drag the block into the hole to light another torch outside, move the central platform higher, and to push a platform out of the wall above. Collect the Cauldron Cake [TB] and exit the room. Go back to the Spongify tile that I told you to ignore earlier. You need this to get back to the central platform. Then, on the central platform, use another Spongify tile to jump onto the platform that was pushed out from the wall.

Cast Lumos next to the statue to reveal a floating green platform next to the exit. You don't really need this because you should be able to make the jump without it. Go left, jump across the huge gap to get to the crawl space exit. You should finish the Challenge with a total of 7 Challenge Shields. After learning the Diffindo and Incendio spell, come back and re-do the challenge for full marks. This platform is activated by hitting a Flipendo switch.

Use the Spongify tile on this platform to jump to the platform above. Follow the path and jump across to the next platform. Use the Spongify tile to jump up to the platform above, where there is a curtain blocking a doorway. Cut down the curtain using your Diffindo spell. Now, in this next area, you'll have to watch out for two things: Imps x2 and a Fire Crab. There are no pits here so you can't dump the Fire Crab. Just avoid it. Flip it on its back and forget about it.

Knock out the imps and lock them in the cages. Above one cage is a [TB] with snacks, and above the other is a crawl hole. When you climb up the stairs and reach the door with the Alohamora lock, go past it by jumping across the gap to another platform where you will find two torches, a Chocolate Frog, and a gated doorway. Cast Incendio on both torches to raise these gates. Through this doorway is a Challenge Shield 9 , and a secret room. Use your Lumos spell to find it.

Another Challenge Shield 10 is inside this room. It's on a ledge above, so you'll need to push a block to the edge of the wall to climb up to it. So, after the cut scene, go to the ground floor where Snape awaits by the castle's entrance. Snape quizzes Harry about some potions ingredients, which of course, Harry knows nothing about. He also warns Harry that if he does not collect all the ingredients before the next class meeting, he will deduct house points from Gryffindor You can't even enter the classroom if you don't have all three ingredients!!

Exit the castle to Hagrid's hut. The friendly giant is standing outside his hut. Walk up to him to initiate another cut scene. Cut Scene: Harry asks Hagrid about the three-headed dog, Fluffy, and Hagrid almost gives away what it was guarding. He also leaves Harry pondering who Nicholas Flamel is, and how Mr. Flamel is involved with what's hidden under the trap door.

Access your Remembrall Menu and you have the option to End Day. End Day. Go to the Halloween feast Great Hall. Rescue Hermione from the troll!

Go down to the ground floor, then enter the Great hall for a cut scene. Cut Scene: Everyone's at the feast except Hermione. She locked herself up in the girl's bathroom. During the feast, Professor Quirrell suddenly storms in and reports that a troll is in the dungeons.

Harry and Ron wants to find Hermione to warn her of the situation. Go to the second floor and enter the girl's bathroom. Cut Scene: Apparently, the troll has left the dungeons. Hermione barely dodged the trolls swinging club!

The troll's on a rampage and destroys everything in sight. The exit has been blocked by all the rubble. Go to the center of the room and confront the disgusting troll. The troll has three attacks. Club Pound: The troll will pound its club onto the ground. Club Swing: The troll will swing its club blindly if you get too close. Rock Throw: Before throwing rocks, the troll will hesitate for a split second. Just run like heck and make sure you're not standing in the same spot for more than two seconds.

There are several Spongify tiles on the ground. To defeat the troll, you must stand near a tile and lure the troll towards you. When the troll is about an arm's length away from you, cast a charged Spongify spell on the tile and run away. The troll should smash its club on or near the activated Spongify tile, and the attack should backfire onto the troll. Repeat these steps a couple times and the troll will knock itself out. If your life is low, you can use the Spongify tile to reach the several [TB]'s along the wall.

Dungbombs, Cauldron Cakes, Pumpkin Pasty The golden [TB] contains card 68, Kirley Duke. Once again, Harry Potter saves the day. A [TB] appears in the center of the room. This chest contains card 6, Glanmore Peakes.

Go to the exit that was blocked by rubble , and there will be another cut scene. Herbology class Greenhouses. Gain the Diffindo spell book. She reminds Harry that Potion's class is up first.

Follow Hermione to the dungeons. You cannot enter the class without all three ingredients. If you have already collected Asphodel, Wiggentree bark, and Dittany, enter the classroom to learn how to brew the Wiggenweld Healing Potion. An empty vial will be added into your inventory. You may now fill your vial with the Wiggenweld Potion from the purple cauldron.

Professor Snape assigns your next assignment. You are to collect the ingredients that are required to brew the Antidote for Common Poisons: Puffapod spores, Flobberworm mucus, and Moondew.

Class is dismissed! Exit the classroom and Ron gives you the next schedule of the day: Herbology lessons. If you don't know where that is, just follow your faithful guide, Ron. Today you will be learning the Diffindo spell. Professor Sprout will lead you to the crawl space for the Challenge. Exit the house into the garden. Cut Scene: Harry spots an ugly troll in the garden. The troll rushes towards Harry, but Harry doesn't move an inch until the troll is almost on top of him.

The door to the brick house slams shut This is a lot like the battle with the troll in the girl's bathroom I found it difficult to target lock the Spongify tile because the camera angle was all funky!

So, be sure to take your time and focus on aiming your spells. There is a Chocolate Frog in this area in case you need more health. To the left of the brick house, there is also a Cauldron Cake in a [TB]. After knocking out the troll, a Challenge Shield 1 appears in front of the brick house, and a tree falls over a small canyon forming a bridge.

Before crossing the tree bridge, drop to the bottom of this canyon. There is an adorable little gnome down here, huffing and puffing about.

Knock it out with Flipendo and throw it down a hole along the wall. Search this area for beans, a Chocolate Frog near the hole, a [TB] containing a Pumpkin Pasty, and a Challenge Shield 2 on the opposite end of the canyon.

Use the wooden trail to reach the top, and cross the bridge to the next area. Follow the path and climb over the logs until you reach a small clearing with a log suspended above you, and several Horklumps in front of you. There is a Flipendo button on the middle of this log. Flipendo this button, and the log will fall off the ledge and clear most of the Horklumps out of the way.

The only Horklumps that will remain will be the ones surrounding a Challenge Shield 3. Ignore this for now and continue down the darkened path.

There is another Chocolate Frog nearby just before a bridge. If your stamina is low, make sure you get it before crossing the bridge. The spell book is in sight. However, once you step foot across the bridge, two Gytrashes ghost dogs appear. The Gytrashes are ghosts, so of course, they are afraid of light. From a distance, cast a charged Lumos spell, and shine this light onto the Gytrashes.

Let the Gytrashes bathe in this light for a couple seconds for the spell to inflict damage on them. Repeat this a couple times and the Gytrashes will vanish. Walk over the Chocolate frog near the spell book to recover any lost health. Finally, walk up to the spell book and push "X" to receive the Diffindo spell. Equip this spell, along with Flipendo and Lumos. Note that the camera focuses on a suspended bridge above.

There should be a group of Horklumps nearby. It's time to test out your newly acquired spell. To destroy Horklumps, first cast Flipendo to make them shrivel up, then cast Diffindo to cut them up.

Time to do a little backtracking! Remember earlier, where the log squashed all those Horklumps? You can go back and destroy the remaining Horklumps to get a Challenge Shield 3. From the spell book stand, rotate the camera until you see the suspended bridge. Target lock the ropes that are holding up the bridge, and cut them loose with Diffindo.

If you are missing, even when target locking, you may need to move around, or back up to adjust your aim. When the ropes are cut, the bridge will lower, and two gnomes will run down towards you. Knock them out with Flipendo, and dunk them in the hole along the wall just to the left of the fallen bridge.

Open this [TB] to get card 57, Gifford Ollerton. Before crossing the bridge, drop down to the area under the spell book. There are two trails of beans. One end will lead you to an owl stand and a pile of leaves, and the other to a wall dead end. Head in the direction to where the beans lead to a wall.

Along the way, you will find a Challenge Shield 4 hidden in a gap along the wall next to a statue of a witch. Continue past the statue to find a [TB] with an Owl Treat by the dead end. Use your Lumos spell to find a secret hole in the wall. Push open the wall to find a [TB] with card 19, Newt Scammader. Now, with the owl treat pocketed, turn around and go in the other direction to where the owl stand is.

Push "X" next to the stand to call Hedwig. Feed her the owl treat, and she will use the strength of her wings to blow away the pile of leaves, revealing a Gargoyle statue. Cast Lumos by the statue to make floating green platforms appear to help you climb back up to the top level.

Cross the bridge that you cut down earlier. You'll find a wooden plank tied with a rope to a branch above. This works like an elevator. Stand on this plank and cast Diffindo at the rope to drop down to the next area. Harry lands next to a Chocolate Frog. Before going through the illuminated cave, search this area for another Challenge Shield 5. Use the glimmering sound of the Challenge Shield as a way of tracking it down. Go through the cave, or tunnel, until camera gives you a preview of the next area.

Okay, first of all, you can't knock out the troll in this area. You can only knock it out for a few seconds, so don't even bother trying defeat it. This is route one to reach the other side of this area. If you take route one, it's less dangerous, but more tedious. Route two would be to go past the Troll while avoiding it's blows, and then past two Bowtruckles. There will be two Doxies flying towards the right side. Target lock onto them and cast a charged Flipendo to make them disappear.

Climb up the next step. When you reach the top of the steps, the Troll will finally realize your presence. It will be begin to pound its club against the tree, attempting to throw you off balance. Follow the path going clockwise , and aim your jumps carefully when you meet a gap. You wouldn't want to fall next to the Troll now After the second gap, you will see two more Doxies. There are also two Bowtruckles underneath you, but you don't need to worry too much about them right now; however, don't stand too close to the edge, because they might throw twigs at you.

Jump onto the large branch that forms a bridge to the cliff on your left side. Go across the bridge and there is a ladder to your right. Climb down the ladder to find two not-so-friendly Bowtruckles. A few charged Flipendos will make the go away. Go up to where the ground is sloping upwards. There is a Challenge Shield 6 along the wall left side.

Shortly after the troll you will meet two Bowtruckles. Cast charged Flipendos to make them disappear. Continue forward, ignore the ladder for now , to where the ground slopes forward. Follow the wall should be towards the left to find a Challenge Shield 6. Go counter-clockwise left around the tree to find another Challenge Shield 7. Go back to the ladder, and use it to climb to the level where the whipping vines are.

You can cut off these vines the same way you cut up Horklumps. Or if you prefer the old fashion way To get past the whipping vines, you must have Harry push his back against the wall. You will have to shuffle your way across this tiny ledge. The vines will whip the wall far a few seconds, then stop. When the vines are resting, quickly shuffle your way past them.

It's best not to try to shuffle past ALL the vines in one try. Stop every time you pass ONE vine, and wait for the next to stop whipping the wall. If Harry is hanging off the cliff, first wait for the vine to stop attacking, then push up for him to climb back on the ledge, THEN shuffle the heck out of there. Once across, push the "X" button for Harry to step forward away from the wall.

Follow the narrow path until you reach two Horklumps. Cast Flipendo to shrink them down to size, then use Diffindo to slice them up. It's very easy to lose balance and fall to the bottom. Eventually, you will reach another gap. You'll have to make one final jump to reach the highest level of the tree.

Hop along the sections of the tree until you reach a short tunnel-like area. There are two Doxies just ahead. Use Flipendo to get rid of them. You may need to move forward to target lock. Continue making your way around the tree, until you start to descend. Now, climb back up to the previous platform and go to first person view, using the R2 button. Find the closest grassy ledge to you.

You should also be able to spot an empty cage sitting towards the edge. You'll have to make a jump for this ledge. Right when Harry gets back on his feet, search for an imp on a higher platform. If you can't find it, it's okay.

It will give away its position by throwing stuff at you. Shoot it down with Flipendo, then cast Flipendo again to knock it out and throw it into the empty cage. You will be rewarded with a Challenge Shield 8. Right in front of this Challenge Shield is a Horklump that is blocking the exit hole.

Cast Flipendo to shrink it, then use Diffindo to cut it up. Go past the crawl hole to reach another Challenge Shield 9. The crawl space leads you to a small shack. Exit the shack and there will be a brief cut scene. Harry gasps as he sees this hideous plant creature, the Venomous Tentacula.

A golden [TB] is visible in the greenhouse behind the Venomous Tentacula, and you can also hear the glimmering sound of another Challenge Shield Harry walks past the plant creature as if it's not even there, and them The Venomous Tentacula spits a huge wad of venom at Harry. Professor Sprout magically appears to explain that Harry does not yet have the knowledge nor the experience to deal with a Venomous Tentacula.

When the cut scene ends, Harry automatically exits the challenge. Go towards professor Sprout, and she will give you your results for the Challenge. You should have found 9 Challenge Shields, which would give you an A. Class is dismissed Yup, if you haven't figured it out yet I don't know what to say.

Duh, you'll have to take out the over-sized weed to get the last Challenge Shield. You can access this area where the Venomous Tentacula is either in the beginning of the challenge, or at the very end. It's really up to you. Likewise, if you throw them all away you cannot put them into the cages to get out; but when all are indeed gone, they respawn from that hatch in the wall at the first ramp. Once you get the Incedio Spell, return to the main room and make sure the two pillars are down.

Go into one of them and switch the flame direction so that the flames are both are on one side of the room. On the other side, use Incedio to light the pigs and Flapendo to point them up to lift the platform; then again on the other one. Run quickly to the switch by the exit. If successful the door, will be unlocked halfway. You will need to do likewise with the other side. Note: You do not have to charge at all -- this gives you a few extra needed seconds.

When in one of the few battles with Hogwart's students just the Slytherin Gang, all others leave you alone , let them make the first shot and bounce it back. Just as you do, use your Flapendo with a quarter to half second charge to knock them back, thus trapping them with two spells to knock back, which they can never manage.

Note: Beware, just as you finish casting Flapendo depending on distance , you will be forced to use your Expelliarmus almost instantly. Grab the sword, but do not attempt to hit it when you get the first chance. When the basilisk gets very tall and green appears from its mouth, use the sword on the black diamond on his chest while he is up. To do that, make sure you lock on then attack. Continue to do this and he will be defeated soon. Note: Only attack him while his head is far above the ground.

You can use either Flipendo or Incendio recommended. Let get fully powered, aim at its scales not its head and release the button. After five to ten hits, you should defeat it. Also, do not touch the snake or let it touch you. If you do, you will be poisoned. Watch out -- it will get mad and "stomp" to make the stalactites fall. After losing a third of its health, it will start to shoot poison out of its mouth. To get to it, use your Lumos spell to light the floor and follow the trail of spiders.

Unlike the book, the spiders that are not normal size will try to kill you. Attack them with Incendio. When fighting the Giant Mother Spider, do not try to hurt the spider itself.

Instead, use your Incendio spell to burn the web it has attached to the various trees. When done, it will fall into the pit and you will slip in after it. In here, just run around until it rears its head and exposes its soft under-belly. It is the only part that is susceptible to second level magic. Note: It is best to not charge and use rapid firing to get a little extra damage. While fighting it, you may notice little sacks being dropped and suspended by webbing.

Shoot them down with Flapendo and collect health and Bean power ups from Hedwig. He will not shoot any spider webs at you. First use Expellmarias until the orange ball is giant. When it is in the air heading for your opponent, use Diffindo before it hits so they cannot move away in time.

Note: This may not always work. Use Expelarmus the shield to deflect the attack. Immediately after that, start charging Flipendo. Shoot flipendo either when it is full or when the deflected attack is halfway there, whichever occurs first.

This will either cause the Flipendo to hit or the deflected attack to hit. Note: Hold the aim sight to lock the Flipendo spell on the enemy. When you are dueling, press L, cast the Knockaback Jinx twice and dodge the reflected spell. When the Whomping Willow starts to pound into the ground, hide in the corner where you entered its lair. The shock wave cannot reach you in here, unless you stray too far from it. Should you get hit, you should have refilled your potion Vile before you entered.

Also, Hedwig will drop Cauldron Cakes and Beans for your aid. Note: Rapid firing technique is recommended. Lock on to the limbs after they finish pounding and fire a quick shot, then wait to lock onto the Willow's Eye. Then, fire repeatedly until it stops hurting him before running back to your hiding hole.

The Notice Board in the Gryffondor common room usually gives a location, but higher up as you near completion they start to give vague clues, such as "Could be anywhere on grounds". With personal requests, they do not ever really give you a clue, except the first one. However, the items are near the area in about a two acre search range. Many of the lost items end up there. From there, they all scatter much like Neville's china set behind Hagrid's Hut towards the Forbidden Forest.

The person that wants these will give you the key to the Confiscated Items Room six more cards and a bag to hold Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans. Note: "Left" being if you were looking from his front door towards the castle the side next to the Herbology Center.

Up on a roof will be a multitude of his china set. Go about a fifteen to twenty five second flying trip from Neville heading back. Secretive Dragon Scale Gloves The elusive gloves are by the lake, but not on land.

They can be found just outside the Broom Flying lessons field, on the lakeside. You will notice a long strip is down low. On the far end are five torches light with Incendio to get a Wizards Card , and in the middle somewhere should be the gloves. Telescope Located on the tower where you enter to go in the main entryway. It is on the far left. Note: Try to get them in the following order. Have the Puffeskin eat bushes at the Burrows.

Get a score of or more points when de-noming the Weasley's garden. When trying to find Ginny, go the way Ron did not. Note: Beware, just as you finish casting Flapendo depending on distance , you will be forced to use your Expelliarmus almost instantly. To get to it, use your Lumos spell to light the floor and follow the trail of spiders.

Unlike the book, the spiders that are not normal size will try to kill you. Attack them with Incendio. When fighting the Giant Mother Spider, do not try to hurt the spider itself. Instead, use your Incendio spell to burn the web it has attached to the various trees.

When done, it will fall into the pit and you will slip in after it. In here, just run around until it rears its head and exposes its soft under-belly. It is the only part that is susceptible to second level magic. Note: It is best to not charge and use rapid firing to get a little extra damage. While fighting it, you may notice little sacks being dropped and suspended by webbing.

Shoot them down with Flapendo and collect health and Bean power ups from Hedwig. He will not shoot any spider webs at you. When the Whomping Willow starts to pound into the ground, hide in the corner where you entered its lair. The shock wave cannot reach you in here, unless you stray too far from it. Should you get hit, you should have refilled your potion Vile before you entered.

Also, Hedwig will drop Cauldron Cakes and Beans for your aid. Note: Rapid firing technique is recommended. Lock on to the limbs after they finish pounding and fire a quick shot, then wait to lock onto the Willow's Eye. Then, fire repeatedly until it stops hurting him before running back to your hiding hole. First use Expellmarias until the orange ball is giant. When it is in the air heading for your opponent, use Diffindo before it hits so they cannot move away in time.

Note: This may not always work. Also, use Expelarmus the shield to deflect the attack. Immediately after that, start charging Flipendo.

Shoot flipendo either when it is full or when the deflected attack is halfway there, whichever occurs first. This will either cause the Flipendo to hit or the deflected attack to hit. Note: Hold the aim sight R1 to lock the Flipendo spell on the enemy. When you are dueling, press L1, cast the Knockaback Jinx twice and dodge the reflected spell. After you acquire the spell and return to the main room, use it to get across the room on the other side of the gargoyle. You will need to use the hardly visible ledges to cross.

Hang off the wall ledge to escape nearing ghosts, and push down the slabs to make a bridge. Once this is done, you will have to fight the gargoyle. It is recommended that you get on the right staircase, halfway up. Then, use the spell on the last stone and the door will open.

The Notice Board in the Gryffondor common room usually gives a location, but higher up as you near completion they start to give vague clues, such as "Could be anywhere on grounds". With personal requests, they do not ever really give you a clue, except the first one. However, the items are near the area in about a two acre search range:.


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